So I went to the piercing shop today...


Staff member
and look! :D

he was so brave, he didn't even notice. The guns aren't allowed anymore, so it was just done with a good ole fashioned needle and nothin. Woweeeee oooooooww.


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One tried to and he popped him in the head. So that stopped. This is fun, NOT.
That's why mine can have one just as soon as he drives himself to the mall.
Ears I said they could do, but anything else I wouldn't sign for, and would get surgically removed if they did it illegally. So I *think* I'm good till they're 16 for anything else, that's the age here.

Grandma is gonna turn white and and purse her lips, but she won't say much. His hillbilly grandpa on his father's side is gonna have 10 fits but that ain't my problem :D
Dad doesn't have the right to ok or veto. He didn't want it. :retard:

But yeah, dad thought it was cool/didn't really care either way. I told him months ago and he didn't argue.

I'd told Avery he could as part of his birthday gift. In March. I'm a sucky mom, just got there now.
Leslie said:
surgically removed

Well I guess a pierced peeny is out of the question!

Yeah I guess holes in the ears will close up but
a tattoo will leave laser scars.

Wait til CPS gets a load of this! J/K
He doesnt need a feeble lil' Tinky-Winky earring. He needs one of those massive Mr T starter kit gold/ostritch feather combos that hang down 2 feet.
Did you go to an actual piercing place or like somewhere like Claire's or a hair salon?
Tattoo/Piercing shop. All those big dudes in black got a real kick out of toughboy :D He fit right in. That was kinda scary.
Leslie said:
Tattoo/Piercing shop. All those big dudes in black got a real kick out of toughboy :D He fit right in. That was kinda scary.

They never use guns at those places, cause guns really aren't good cause they rip. I think they still use them at the mickey mouse places though.
That's what the guy said, and that it's less painful with the needle anyway. But too, the Health Unit(s?) found that it's impossible to sterilize a gun. I even called them to confirm this, and they said yes.

I'm glad I went where I went, they were cool, and thorough, it looked totally by the book if not over the top in cleanliness, and he felt comfortable.
I was in college before I pierced my ear, out of respect for my parents' wishes. I took it out when I went home too.

winky said:
Well I guess a pierced peeny is out of the question!

In my job, we observe urine specimens being given. I once saw a dude with (I swear) a bolt and wing nut in his pecker. He had to remove the wing nut to piss. I did not offer to assist. I kept wondering, "Just how drunk do you have to be to think having a four inch bolt and wingnut through yer pecker is a good idea?"
Leslie said:
That's what the guy said, and that it's less painful with the needle anyway. But too, the Health Unit(s?) found that it's impossible to sterilize a gun. I even called them to confirm this, and they said yes.

I'm glad I went where I went, they were cool, and thorough, it looked totally by the book if not over the top in cleanliness, and he felt comfortable.

Hell yeah! About the pain thing. I felt no pain even having them stick a needle through my cartilage. Yet, when I got my lobes done with a gun I had tears in my eyes...even when I was like 13 for my third lobe hole...And yeah, I knew about the sterilization thing too. But, that was all over the net when i got my cartilage done 1.5 years ago...about the guns being unsterile and blah blah blah but up until a few months ago I still saw them using them at all sorts of mickey mouse places at the mall.
Really? Nothing?

My friend is going to get that done, she was asking me about it yesterday (needle vs. gun) and I didn't know which she should go for, good to know!
Leslie said:
Really? Nothing?

My friend is going to get that done, she was asking me about it yesterday (needle vs. gun) and I didn't know which she should go for, good to know!

*wonders what Les's friend is going to get pierced :brow:
SouthernN'Proud said:
I was in college before I pierced my ear, out of respect for my parents' wishes. I took it out when I went home too.

In my job, we observe urine specimens being given. I once saw a dude with (I swear) a bolt and wing nut in his pecker. He had to remove the wing nut to piss. I did not offer to assist. I kept wondering, "Just how drunk do you have to be to think having a four inch bolt and wingnut through yer pecker is a good idea?"
Knew of a guy with a horseshoe going right through the middle of his pocket rocket.