So NOW wtf do I do?

Spirit, are you possitive that you feel no threat? (I just can not think of another reason that might be bugging you :confuse3: )

If you don't feel any threat at all then pay no attention to it, if you do, then do you feel the threat because he might fall with her again or because it is just unpleasent for you to have her near him?
Naw - I have no doubts whatsoever that he is loyal to me. I think it's just me wanting him to hate her because I do. Which, I know, is not gonna happen.

But I realized through all this - if she left her boyfriend, I am not 100% confident that he wouldn't go back to her - I KNOW for a FACT that she would try to seduce him - she's just that kind of person. And because he loved her so much, once upon a time....

I think he and I need to talk....
Luis G said:
Spirit, are you possitive that you feel no threat? (I just can not think of another reason that might be bugging you :confuse3: )

It doesn't sound like she's threatened so much by the apparently physical betrayal of the beau, so much as the emotional betrayal. :confused:
I wouldn't worry about it too much. She was his first after all and there will always be that in his mind. But, she comes over after putting on all tha makeup and playing with her clevage to make it all out there and stuff and he still shuts the door on her and sits next to you on the couch with your wet hair and loungewear. Love means a lot more than bewbies. I understand how that can hurt, I really do. I've been in a very similar position. Just talk to him about it and I am sure that he will reassure you. It just takes time.
Spirit said:
I think he and I need to talk....

That's the right words. You two need to have a long talk about how you feel about the situation and his reaction to seeing her. It's not healthy to keep it in, trust me, I know. Been there done that. See what he says, but I don't think you have anything to worry about. After all, he chose you didn't he?!!
Spirit said:
But I realized through all this - if she left her boyfriend, I am not 100% confident that he wouldn't go back to her - I KNOW for a FACT that she would try to seduce him - she's just that kind of person. And because he loved her so much, once upon a time....

I think he and I need to talk....

If part one is true, then so is part two.
Well - we worked it out. He used some pretty powerful words to describe how he felt about her. He apologized for the incident, but, I can't really say it was *his* fault. He didn't do it to be an ass - it was just an akward moment that happened. I over reacted - but that was natural, too.
Spirit said:
God I hope this feeling goes away soon. I feel like I don’t want him to look at me right now.

Learn to live with it. He will always love her. He was dumped & shat upon but feelings aren't logical.

The decision is yours to make...can you live with him & his flaws or not? If you decide you can, remember, you made the choice, not him.
It's the same basic way that I feel with my boyfriend....We were friends for so long before we were together, I saw what his last girlfriend did to him and I'd defend him like a she-wolf from her. It's not that I see her as a threat, he'd never do anything like that, it's just that I remember what she put my best friend and lover through and I don't want to give her another half instant of a chance to hurt him again in any way.