So sick...


New Member
I posted about me expecting my 2nd baby a while ago and the morning sickness should have decreased a bit. Nope, no such luck. I have already lost 5 pounds and continue to not be able to eat and the things I do eat will not stay down. It is quite annoying and very worrysome.

Also, they have found something abnormal with my cervix and now I have to wait until Dec. to get a biopsy (OUCH) and figure out what it is and if I can give birth or have a C-section. Either the baby won't be harmed, but I still worry.

Anyway, that is my update.
oh dear. :eh:

this won't be comforting probably, but I know a woman who was sick right through the end, direly so. Needed IV and the whole shebang. But the baby was ok in the end. Just make sure you're talking to doctors regularly and that they're checking to see that you're getting enough in.
One word: Lemons!

MrsBish swears by them...the smell of fresh-cut lemons or eating lemons when sniffing them ain't enough anymore.

oh...and avoid crackers...they "taste worst the second time" :barf:
The smell of lemons now generally makes me nauseous (I think overkill from cleaning supplies)

but then again I'm not knocked up *knocks wood*. It actually sounds like it could work. That or sucking oranges.
I can sympathize with you on the morning sickness bit. It lasts forever, doesn't it?
I have lost three more pounds and the doctors told me to just wait and see at my next appt. We still can't find the heart beat, but Alex was not cooperative with that Doppler thing either. The biopsy will be in Dec, but I am still pretty sick. Lots of light headedness (or whatever the word is) and dizzy spells and one faint. I am sure that it will get better thoguh. It is already not affecting me ALL day, just most of it.

Thank you all for your concern and the suggestion. I tried the lemon thing. Smells usualy do not bother me, but that one did. That and the smell of chocolate soy milk although I still love to drink it. *shrug*
Awwww Sweetie, I can sympathize with you...I know it seems like forever when your pregnant and the morning,noon,& nite sickness will all be over soon...Hang in there...Now adays there is a med. on the market the doctor should know what it is, that he/she can give you. If the doctor felt you were in danger with the loosing weight he might prescribe it for you, ask about it. Wish i know the name of it....With my second baby, i only gained 16 lbs. I was so sick with him too.
Sending feel better wishes.... :winkkiss:
Thanks Mare. I can't take the anti-nausea pill since I am on some anti-biotics and the doctor doesn't want to perscribe the no sick pills until week 16 or so.
poor lissa. i had hyperemesis with marlowe and i sincerely hope that you are not headed down that path. remember many small meals throughout the day is supposed to make it easier.
what's with the cervix? is it what they call an inadequate cervix where it won't support the babies weight? if so they can do a proceedure called (pronounce it this way ) cer-clawge. how you spell it i don't know but they put a knot in the cervix. good news is you can carry the baby full term but the bad news is you must have a c-section (ouchy). anyway, i hope everything works out.
They think that might be the case, but right now it is not of concern. I had an emergency appointment today due to some bleeding, but they said the cervix isn't thinning and that it is where it should be as is the baby and all my inerds. They will check if a cer-clawge needs to be done in Dec. THe told me that they suture it instead of tie it. Who knows? EIther way the baby will be fine. Thank goodness.