So tell me


molṑn labé
Staff member
Teresa Kerry said:
She said she was embarrassed to receive tax cuts advocated by Bush and supports her husband's efforts to roll them back for higher incomes and use those funds for education, health care and deficit reduction.

Alright, if that is true then why is there not one single instance of the Kerry family or Teresa sending in more taxes than she/they already pay? They are more than welcome to write a check to the IRS for any amount. What's stopping them?
Gonz said:
Alright, if that is true then why is there not one single instance of the Kerry family or Teresa sending in more taxes than she/they already pay? They are more than welcome to write a check to the IRS for any amount. What's stopping them?

Golly, it's a riddle all right. A regular poser. I keep telling you, it's all marketing. You can bet if there was a photo-op in it they would.
I still can't get over the fact that this Portugese woman claims to be African...

Gato_Solo said:
I still can't get over the fact that this Portugese woman claims to be African...

I guess it must be the African portion of Portugal? :lloyd:
She's claiming, BTW, that, although both her parents are Portugese, and retained their Portugese citizenship, that she is African because she was born in Africa. Tenuous at best, and pandering at worst. I'm more African than she is... :rolleyes:
Gonz said:
If she was born in Africa why wouldn't she be African?

Because both of her parents are Portugese. Is this thing on?
If one of her parents was African, then she could make that claim with a straight face, but niether is. She made that statement for political reasons.
I understand & disagree with her reasoning. I don't understand what being Portugese has to do with whether she's African. She was born on the African continent thus she's African, not Portugese...assuming she grew up in whatever African country she & her parents resided.

I'm not African since I was born in the USA.

A Pakistani, born in London, is a European?
Gonz said:
I understand & disagree with her reasoning. I don't understand what being Portugese has to do with whether she's African. She was born on the African continent thus she's African, not Portugese...assuming she grew up in whatever African country she & her parents resided.

I'm not African since I was born in the USA.

A Pakistani, born in London, is a European?

Okay. I'll explain it further. If both of your parents are from Slobovia, and you are born in Wally World, that, in and of itself, does not make you a citizen of Wally World. Especially if you don't actually live there. You may claim citizenship to Wally World, but you are not a Wally Worldian.

She claims to be African, but she's Portugese. She was born in Africa, true, but she hasn't really lived in Africa. If you do not live somewhere, and have only visited during 'affairs of state', then how could you claim to actually be from that place?
I did add
assuming she grew up in whatever African country she & her parents resided.
because I didn't know. I actually thought she spent a childhood there.
So actually if she is now living in the US she should do as the USians do
and call herself "Portuguese-African". :lol2:

I've always thought it was stupid to categorize different ethnic groups
as "whatever-American".

Either your American, or you ain't!

If THK is an American citizen, the she's American. Is she a citizen or the US?

I also don't see how people can have citizenship in several different countries.
Professur said:
Why not? I do.

Well actually I misworded that from what I was really trying to convey.
Let me see....
As far as having certain privileges or citizenship, I can see it, and understand that.
As far as what you claim as your ethnicity-citizenship was more to what I'm
talking about.
If I' remember correctly Prof., you are Scottish, and have a citizenship still in Scotland, correct?
You now reside mostly in Canada ,and have a Canadian Citizenship, correct?

But,... You consider your ethnicity, only Scottish right? Not Scottish-Canadian?

I guess what I'm really getting at is say like in Your case Prof.
If Canada, and Scotland were at war, who's side would you be on?
Maybe a tough question, and you don't have to answer, I just pose that
scenario to try to convey my point.
You just found the right word. Ethnicity. Remember Hani? Palestinian. Doesn't matter what country he was born in. And that's how people in that region view things. Race as opposed to nationality. I am a Scot. Regardless of what bit of land was under my mother when I was born. I was damn near born in South Africa. Dad nearly took a job there. Damn good paying job too, I might add. But that wouldn't make me african. I'd still be a Scot. Not a Canadian-Scot. Not an Afro-Scot. A Scot.

IMHO this Afro-american bullcrap is just a mechanism for greedy people to make two claims at society. "I want to be recognised as African, but have all the benefits of being American too." Simply another symptom of the general decay in today's "ME, ME, ME, ME" society.

Oh, and if Scotland and Canada went to war ... I'd be on the winning side, of course.
There ya go. Now we're on the same page. :D

I don't know why it's so hard for "me" to put into the right words
exactly what I'm trying to get across sometimes. :nerd:
eh, well in my particular case, they are both equally as important.

Just as it's hard to understand the mideastern way or thinking for me,
I guess it is in this kinda case.
Prof said:
I am a Scot.

Let's say you, an Irish woman & a Londoner moved to Bombay. The three of you took up residence there. The three of you also became Indian citizens. The three of you, along with your respective spouses, each had a son. You & they share heritage. You & they share a homeland. You & they share a race. You & they share ethnicity. Indian.

Yet you & they don't share natural nationality. How would your children be different from one another? How would one know they are different without beng told?