So what did they expect?

Luis G

Staff member
Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has said he would not have ordered the capture of two Israeli soldiers if he had known it would lead to such a war.

"Had we known that the kidnapping of the soldiers would have led to this, we would definitely not have done it," he said in an interview on Lebanese TV.

He added that neither side was "heading towards a second round" of fighting.


"We did not think that there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war of this scale and magnitude," Sheikh Nasrallah said.

"Now you ask me if this was 11 July and there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war like the one that has taken place, would you go ahead with the kidnapping?

"I would say no, definitely not, for humanitarian, moral, social, security, military and political reasons.

"Neither I, Hezbollah, prisoners in Israeli jails and nor the families of the prisoners would accept it."

This makes me sick.
50 years of poking & prodding at the Big Jew Machine. They just keep sticking their finger in Israels chest & saying whatcha gonna do? Israel keeps saying quit & they go & tell the offenders mother. Over & over this has been done. When Israel finally has had enough & punches the shit out of the agressor, suddenly it's all we were just kidding *pout*

I can guarnatee you that, if the Arabs let Israel alone, Israel would leave them alone.
Israel arrested, it even sid that in the article you linked too.

There is a diffrence between detaining and terrorist suspect and kidnapping a UNIFORMED member of the military.
Israel arrested, it even sid that in the article you linked too.

There is a diffrence between detaining and terrorist suspect and kidnapping a UNIFORMED member of the military.

Arested somebody out of thei own country where they have no jurisdiction or kidnapped. What's the difference? Propaganda words to justify Israels' actions.

Deataining? You mean they were just incovenienced for 10 minutes . No.

They had different clothes on? That means the Israeli's kidnapped where obviously enemy comabatants and the people the Israeli's kidnapped could likely just be civilians.
Propaganda words to justify Israels' actions.

Nope. It's facts.

you seem to corner the propaganda when it comes to Israel.


to equate terrorist acts with the acts of a gov't is the worse kind of blindness.

You might not agree with the acts of a certain gov't and hey each to their own, but to validate the actions of hamas, or hezbollah, or any other terrorist group is plain idiocy

an air strike IS diffrent than a suicide bombing ona bus, whether or not the civilian casulities are the same, it is the INTENT that is the diffrent
I would like to hear to end result facts differences between "arresting" somebody outside your own country and "kidnapping".

start here.

Gaza is within the jursidiction of Israel. As long as they're being attacked, Israel retains the right to end those attacks by force or police action.
Gaza is not part of Israel. I'm sure other countries retain the right to end attacks against them also.
The Gaza strip is not currently recognized internationally as a de jure part of any sovereign country. According to the international community the Gaza Strip is occupied by Israel; in particular, the United States government recognizes it as "Israeli-occupied with current status subject to the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement - permanent status to be determined through further negotiation"

while Israel thought they where done with them, Gaza itself claims to be under Israel control until negotiations are final.
while Israel thought they where done with them, Gaza itself claims to be under Israel control until negotiations are final.

Israel's illegal occupation of Gaza does not give them any more right to kidnap people than anyone else. Therefore they don't have any room to complain about their people being kidnapped if when they do it first.
Israel's illegal occupation of Gaza does not give them any more right to kidnap people than anyone else. Therefore they don't have any room to complain about their people being kidnapped if when they do it first.

You have no idea how law enforcememt works, do you?

Also, about this illegal occupation crap. When a nation attacks another nation & the attacker loses the war, they lose other things. Among these can be land. Gaza & the West Bank are prime examples. Even better is the simple fact that, since there has never been a Palestine, they had no land to lose. Either scenario makes Israels use of these pieces of property many things, none of whuch are illegal.
You have no idea how law enforcememt works, do you?

Also, about this illegal occupation crap. When a nation attacks another nation & the attacker loses the war, they lose other things. Among these can be land.

You're ignoring the fact that both sides do plenty of attacking and that acquiring land this way is against international law or in other words "illegal occupation".