So What Do You People Do For Fun Here?...

MrBishop said:
After the get kicked off...permanent-like. I know that this is what you'rea fter Ka, but I wouldn't tempt fate too far

Actually Mr B I have been calming down a lot recently and to even my amazement I haven't been kicked off anywhere at all in weeks. Shock horror. I'm not tempting fate either. Should I balls up too much (likely at some point) then I respect any action against me. Permanent is not forever anyway as I have proved over and over and over again to numerous people on various sites. However, I am a little confused about a possible vB weakness and so whichever vB site is the next to give me the boot will be being experimented with to see if it is just the settings on another that are balsed up or the whole vB release. Personally I think it might be the vB release. Gonna be a while I think before I get to test my theory as I don't really wanna get booted from here and some of my other sites are good for trolling and they seem to like having me there to abuse and as I am quite hard and can take it I am not too worry about the fact that they all gang up on me regular like.
no more drugs for me :mope:

video games
OT central/jjr512
hang out with friends
hang out with family
comic books
go out shopping with mom if shes going
used to occasionaly do weed but quit that when I gave up smoking
enjoy warm sunny weather
admire the stars
if near an ocean i body surf
pen/paper rpgs
peterska2 said:
so whichever vB site is the next to give me the boot will be being experimented with to see if it is just the settings on another that are balsed up or the whole vB release.

Your ISP will love to hear that :lloyd:
Leslie said:
Your ISP will love to hear that :lloyd:

OMG Did it really read like that?

I meant that I would be trying one simple test and if it is a problem with both sites then I will be informing the admin teams on the sites to alert them to it so that they are not abused.

The vunerability that I have found on another site is nothing too major but it does not stop a banned member from accessing peoples details nor still using some of the contact functions on the site like PM and email.
peterska2 said:
OMG Did it really read like that?

I meant that I would be trying one simple test and if it is a problem with both sites then I will be informing the admin teams on the sites to alert them to it so that they are not abused.

The vunerability that I have found on another site is nothing too major but it does not stop a banned member from accessing peoples details nor still using some of the contact functions on the site like PM and email.
thanks so very much for the offer...but we've got enough hacker-y types on our team...we're not taking further applications/resumes atm :)
MrBishop said:
religious issues
moral issues
lots of screaming back and forth
computer questions
personal questions
insanity and inanity
you name...we've done it...AND we've got the T-shirt to prove it :)

Welcome BTW!:D

Oh 'cmon Bish - ye know we pet more than ego's around here ;)

Any beastiality?

Well, tonksy has penguin fetish issues and Paul likes to dress his women in sheeps clothes............
For fun? In here?

I usually just drink insane amounts of vodka and go hunting the belly button-fluff fairy.

On the Prowl
Leslie said:
thanks so very much for the offer...but we've got enough hacker-y types on our team...we're not taking further applications/resumes atm :)

thats wasn't an application. Just saying that if anything did happen then I would be testing out my theory. No hacking involved as I dont do anything illegal anyway.
bleach said:
For fun? In here?

I usually just drink insane amounts of vodka and go hunting the belly button-fluff fairy.

On the Prowl
that pesky fairy!
you know what i do for fun? i fantasize about william petersen as gil grissom from CSI. yupyup. new season started just now. he grew a beard. my god. i don't care if gil grissom is a geek. purr...i like him.
Maybe we should just tell the truth for a change - OK, here goes..........for fun we all gather around the fire singing Kumbaya, before going off to our little cabins to dye our pubic hair.

Then in the morning we examine the puke on the floors to see who it belongs to & if there's anything edible left in it.