Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Sen Sheldon Whitehouse seems to have a very large axe to grind.
If the guy doesn't know what it is, then how can he make a statement one way or the other?
You can't make this stuff up...
First, he misunderstands the answer, then he attacks, without explaining the action. Then he finally explains the action, and still decides that the answer is no good. Admittedly, it may actually be torture, but the order the questions were asked didn't allow for a correct answer, either way...
Asked by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., whether waterboarding is constitutional, Mukasey responded: "I don't know what's involved in the technique. If waterboarding is torture, torture is not constitutional."
"'If waterboarding is constitutional' is a massive hedge," Whitehouse replied.
Mukasey answered: "No, I said, 'If it's torture.' I'm sorry, I said, 'if it's torture.' "
Whitehouse: "If it's torture? That's a massive hedge. I mean, it either is or it isn't. Do you have an opinion on whether waterboarding, which is the practice of putting somebody in a reclining position, strapping them down, putting cloth over their faces and pouring water over the cloth to simulate the feeling of drowning — is that constitutional?"
Mukasey: "If it amounts to torture, it is not constitutional."
If the guy doesn't know what it is, then how can he make a statement one way or the other?
You can't make this stuff up...
First, he misunderstands the answer, then he attacks, without explaining the action. Then he finally explains the action, and still decides that the answer is no good. Admittedly, it may actually be torture, but the order the questions were asked didn't allow for a correct answer, either way...