i usually read and watch bbc news, if anyhting it might be considered a lefty bias [but thats against fox or msnbc] but they have some brilliant debate and interview of radio4 and newsnight
I tend to do what seems popular here, lots of varied news sites. If they all report ostensibly the same thing, I qualifiedly (is that a word?) assume it is true. where they differ, I make judgements on what might be true based solely on my own biases.
Everyone has their own system, this one works for me.
I really don't think that the source of the news is relevant here. It's the individual that is making his or her own assessment of the situation, regardless of what the particular piece of information that one is reading from. It's either a pro-war or anti-war view in the end that people have and believe in.
I've been reading the Stars and Stripes the last few days and I have to say I'm impressed. Surely they are tilted to the US side in all this, but they aren't afraid to report the facts either. There are some really interesting stories there, some told by the guys that are there.
The economist is a fair magazine and for good reason. Money & market. You won't be able to predict markets if you're not accurate. To be accurate you must be honest.
It could just be a simple human 'how dare you' reaction to the affrontery imposed by the Iraqis. I for one think that one instance of integrity makes little amends for publishing bucket after bucket of literary flotsam and jetsam all these years.
ROFL. Oh man, that brought tears to my eyes. You can't seriously consider either of them neutral. CBC is gov't run, and funded. They report what their paychecks tell them to report.
And Canoe is run by Quebecor, with is run by Peladeau, namely the richest seperatist. And, more precisely, an good personal friend of every French leader since De Gaul.
If that's your opinion of unbiased reporting, I can begin to understand your views.