So who should get a crack at the sniper first?


Muhammad and John Lee Malvo already face murder charges in Maryland, Virginia, and Alabama. Should they be charged by the federal government first? Its a real tug of war now on who gets a bite at him first.

Personally I hope they go to the state with the harshest penalty first. Hopefully they will be dead afterwards and the rest of the states can sit back and relax.

I'm pretty sure they, or at least Muhammad, will get death sentence in at least one of those three states. Hopefully in the first. I'd hate to have them sentenced to death after they have been sentenced to life in prison...
I think that somewhere along the line, The Feds are going to attach a charge of terrorism to the list, and at that point they will take over the prosecution. Just an opinion......
Alabama - Yellow Mama

There was already a law on the books, death penalty level at that, covering interstate extortions resulting in death.
alex, who picked such a cheerful color for that thing? It looks like it should have a few Winnie the Pooh decals on it... :D
lol yes. the families. the only problem with that is the times when they are wrongly convicted. i hope the state without capital punishement gets them first, mabey by then the states will have woken up
stingray_sting said:
lol yes. the families. the only problem with that is the times when they are wrongly convicted. i hope the state without capital punishement gets them first, mabey by then the states will have woken up
Before anyone attack him, he is Canadian, and so far I've extended my influences to *some* of his friends... I'm working on him :D
i want va to cause better chance of getting the death penalty. md has the death penalty but doesnt use it often. and the federal as far as i know dont have one at all. i want va to. md i would cause thats where the second(the first being alabama) started and most kills occurred.

I thought I was the most anti-death penalty person. I guess not though. I do NOT believe in the death penalty but in cases like this I make a HUGE exception. I hope that they BOTH die a VERY painful death (although I know that's not likely since LL has kindly explained to me how painless they make the lethal injection.)I say, I you're gonna kill'em atleast make'em suffer! Otherwise it's ain't worht it!
I would be in favor of Virginia or Alabama getting the first chance at them.