So who should get a crack at the sniper first?

i should. i would be like "hey sniper" and he would be like "yea" and i would be like "do you know you killed all them people?" and he would be like "yea" and i would be like " well are you sorry about it?" and he would be like "yea" so i would be like "thats good you should be, now get back to work my car won't wash itself."

the end.
same with va however my understanding is that va is right after texas in number of times the death penalty is used. but i really dont give a shit as long as these bastards get whats coming to them. in other words i dont care where just let them die.
I believe the snipers have been formally charged in Louisiana now for killing and robbing a shopkeeper. I also heard three other states are reinvestigating murders in their respective states.

I thought Florida had the highest rate for executions.....remember Ted Bundy.......he specifically asked someone where he would be most likely to be executed and they told him he went there and commited several murders and they fried him.
alex said:
I believe the snipers have been formally charged in Louisiana now for killing and robbing a shopkeeper. I also heard three other states are reinvestigating murders in their respective states.

I thought Florida had the highest rate for executions.....remember Ted Bundy.......he specifically asked someone where he would be most likely to be executed and they told him he went there and commited several murders and they fried him.

Nah, here are the stats since 1976:

Texas 285
Virginia 86
Missouri 58
Florida 53
Oklahoma 52
Louisiana 27
South Carolina 28
Arkansas 25
Georgia 30
Alabama 23
Arizona 22
North Carolina 21
Delaware 13
Illinois 12
California 10
Nevada 9
Indiana 9
Utah 6
Mississippi 5
Washington 4
Ohio 4
Maryland 3
Nebraska 3
Pennsylvania 3
Kentucky 2
Montana 2
Oregon 2
Colorado 1
Idaho 1
Wyoming 1
Tennessee 1
New Mexico 1
Total Executions Since 1976: 805
Might be the DC area ... cant be the feds.. Theres no way only 2 executions have taken place on the federal level in the last 25 years.
Maybe the snipers will be linked to a death in Texas too. If so, let Texas take the first crack at them. They don't fuck around down there--they sentence people to death a lot, and the death row inmates don't get to sit around jerking off on death row for 20 years like they do in California.