
Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I'm still around... how are you all doing?

I'm studying for my qualifications in IT Support... yeah I know I'm mad, but I need a job, so I haven't got time to read everything I've missed. Just precis it here... :winkkiss:
Yeah I'm still in koc... I'm also playing galaxis and am one of the top players there in Hispeed.

Placed: rd1: #104, rd2: #40 rd3: #20 rd4: #16 and rd5: in progress.

And in the top 100 in the normal game.

gotta take off for my techie workshop soon - gonna see if we can troubleshoot this computer of mine.
KOC takes people and doesn't let them go :(

Nothin's new for me, Aunty, still the same old same old. It's really nice to see you! :D