
W found a way to get elected even though Kerry beat the Iraq drum until he was blue in the face... not bad for being so "stupid," I'd say.
the venom the left shows for GW is less-than-or-equal-to that of the rights for WJ. comes with the job.

The right has specific instances of misdeeds. The left thinks GW is stupid...even though they keep getting beat by him.
Foolish comments like that is why folks can't take a debate seriously with much of the left. Instead of debating policy, actual policy not innuendo policy, you guys keep attacking the man.

Guess what? He's the President & none of you are. Now, get off his back with stupid comments & move to the political ring.

Damn, it's unbelievable how you acuuse the left of attacking the man and not debating seriously when the comment was clearly in response to the right attacking two men right before I made it.

You're not that blind are you?

Or is it just another example of your usual "it's ok if we do it" mentality?
Al Gore did claim to invent the internet. So that comment is open game.
Looks like Bush is more open game than Gore.

Claim: Vice-President Al Gore claimed that he "invented" the Internet.

Status: False.

Origins: Despite the derisive references that continue even today, Al Gore did not claim he "invented" the Internet, nor did he say anything that could reasonably be interpreted that way.
