sober #(don't know)

i stood here for about 30 minutes........nobody online, well just one invisible member, but he/she didn't reply, i went to sleep.

btw, shadowfax: i never have a hangover :D :D
nalani said:
no hang over? then you didn't do it right. get out there and do it again!


He's doing it already every're telling the guy to get drunk multiple times per day? :D
NEVER had a hangover, even when i was in Leon (don't remember how many days), getting drunk daily all night long, and sometimes in the day as well :D :D
Shadowfax said:
He's doing it already every're telling the guy to get drunk multiple times per day? :D

oohh .. my dream .. a man who has mutlitples ..

oh damn .. you're talking about getting drunk, huh? :sigh: .. oh well .. a girl can dream ...

multiples ... :headbang:

hmmmm, i don't know if i have a secret....

but this is the "routine" (call it whatever you want :D )
eat well in the afternoon, the heavy eat is about 3:00pm
drink some milk in the night (i like 30g of fat perlitre milk)
GET DRUNK :headbang:
come back to your house......sleep well, wake up until you feel you rested enough.

hmmmm, that's all
That might be the problem :D

I don't eat a lot, to be honest. Or I eat too late. Mhhh..will try that one :D

In the worst case I wake up with another hangover. But at least it gives me a nice excuse to get drunk :D