Software Giants Adobe, Macromedia to Merge


Major contributor!
SAN JOSE, California — Adobe Systems Inc. (ADBE), one of the world's largest providers of document-design software, will acquire Macromedia Inc. (MACR) in an all-stock transaction valued at approximately $3.4 billion, the companies announced Monday.

Adobe's software includes the popular Acrobat and Photoshop (search) program. San Francisco-based Macromedia makes the Dreamweaver (search) and Flash web-design software.,2933,153750,00.html
wow, I hope they don't screw each other with great all-in-one solutions.
They've been playing nice for a while now... cross-platform assistance. Mostly on the web-design side. Frankly, it should be one of the more fluid merges that large corps have seen for years.

This should also help speed up the internet and make it smoother for multimedia pages. Now, if we could just get Msoft to butt out of web-page development, that'd be something :D

Hmm, I guess they might as well have merged. As far as I'm concerned.
They both have some software I love, and some I really hate.

So now is it going to be Adomedia, or Macrobe? :D
Thanks, just sent it to Rusty. He develops in Cold Fusion, uses Flash solutions whenever possible and uses all the Adobe software products.

This might be one of the better mergers. They both have excellent (if not overpriced) products.
this is one of the better mergers on the horizon. Some of the past few weeks mergers are the ones that are gonna hurt for a bit. But This is only the begining, many of the BIG software makers are gonna buy up medium and smaller before its done.