Soiling Rosa's good name


Southern Discomfort

Civil rights and anti-war marchers are calling the Boston school district's decision not to close today so students can attend a rally in honor of Rosa Parks a racist one that will "create a level of anger, confusion, and sadness that will cast a shadow over a celebration that should be a high point of the year," according to the Boston Globe.

Organizers of the protest to honor Parks' decision 50 years ago to sit at the front of a Montgomery city bus have demanded that all city offices, including schools, be closed tomorrow so that employees can participate in the march. School Superintendent Thomas W. Payzant, however, rejected the request.

Councilor Chuck Turner of Roxbury blasted the decision, which he said would be "characterized as racist, based on the definition of institutional racism -- disparate treatment of people of color."


I admire Rosa Parks. That lady had guts, stood up (or rather, sat down) for her beliefs, and refused to be intimidated. The world needs more people like her.

This, however, hardly qualifies as adding to her memory. It desecrates it in fact. Ms Parks was not the type to demand parades and work stoppages and all that. In fact, the city bus strike which followed her deeds was just that...a strike by working citizens against the public transport of the city. They still went to work. And she didn't organize it either.

To demand the closure of city government, then cry racism when it doesn't happen, does not honor the legacy of this woman.
Well said, SnP!
that will create a level of anger, confusion, and sadness...

No, that would be the loud mouthed bigoted so called civil rights organizers. Mrs Parks was disturbed over the excessive recognition she had. This would send her to her grave.