Sold my XP1800... Going back to my K6-2 500


:banghead: Seems like I have to go back to using my K6-2 450 @ 500 and Voodoo3 again next week, as I sold my Athlon XP 1800 today.

I put it on eBay as Buy It Now, and 2 hours later, it had gone! :D

Good thing is, the money from that is going towards a faster chip, the bad thing is, I won't have it for a few weeks... ah well, maybe I'll be able to get my college work done instead of playing games all the time.

Anyway, just thought I would blab on about how much fun :smash: I am going to have with this 500MHz pile of :blush: ! lol
the fond memories of 500MHz CPUs [/fake nostalgy]

* is using a p3/500 :D
Justintime, my dad has only just got rid of his 56k connection :wave2: Got 512k DSL now instead... he hasn't seen me round his house this often before! lol

Aunty Em, it actually happened at the perfect time... 1st thing is that I'm almost near the end of my course, so I can use this oppurtunity to get all my work finished and handed in... and 2nd'ly, it means that I'll have a faster machine for the summer holidays :)

Bubba, :hump: lol

I actually didn't know that it would sell this quick... I mean, I was damn shocked when I saw it had been sold... Got £25 for it, which isn't too bad, although I'm quite sad to see it go actually :(