Solvent Sniffing - #2 abused drug by youth


Well-Known Member
There have been two deaths in as many days in Quebec, of kids sniffing solvents to get a high. The news people are all over the statitstics that glue/solvent sniffing is the number two abused drug (their term, not mine), by teens, children and young adults...right behind Pot.

and why's cheaper than pot, not illegal and can be found in pretty much any home.

Sources for solvents to inhale:

Glue (including the handy-dandy plastic cement sold to kids making plastic models)
thinners - including nail polish removers
butane gas - from lighters, BBQ's etc.
and pretty much anything coming from an aerosol can - including hair-spray.

The main difference between pot and solvents? You don't really hear about pot overdoses, but it's increasingly easy to overdose on solvents. Companies are striving to make them stronger and more effecient..smaller packages etc... the concentration levels are increasing.

So..what you get are more deaths and...unfortunatly...precious little education on the dangers of inhaling solvents.

Chronic use of any inhalant risks brain injury. Other organic effects are related to specific chemicals found in some but not all products. The strength of the association ranges from definite through likely to speculative. Definite associations include peripheral neuropathy (hexane) (30), deafness (toluene) (31,32) and metabolic acidosis (toluene) (33,34). Likely morbidities include embryopathy (toluene) (35,36), neonatal withdrawal (multiple agents) (18) and lung damage (paint pigments) (37). Speculative morbidities include cardiomyopathy (38), toxic hepatitis (chlorinated hydrocarbons) (38,40), decreased visual acuity (toluene) (32,41), aplastic anemia (benzene) (42,43), and leukemia (benzene) (42). Because the latter complications are hypothetical, routine laboratory testing for their presence is not indicated.

In case you'd like to hear more about it ( )

We hear all about pot...but what are your expereiences ? Know anyone who's treid it?
How do you feel about the lack of information about this particular abuse considering it's placement on the abused drug list?
And let's not forget Label & Adhesive REMOVER from MG Chemicals. Which has me higher than a kite at the mo.
the list goes on and on... but I didn't realize that your job was that boring that you had to fall to sniffin' to make it better. :)

I remember when I worked in a Hobby Shop, we had to keep a strict eye on who was buying glue and for what reasons.
I used to have several drills when I was a kid. Most notable were the fire drill and the disaster drill. Luckily, I'm young enough that I never had a nuclear bomb drill.
Bish said:
You don't really hear about pot overdoses
No such thing. I read once that you would have to ingest the equivalent of three times your body weight.

Inky said:
Luckily, I'm young enough that I never had a nuclear bomb drill.
Duck and cover. I used to wonder what they made the desks out of that was going to protect us from the ten thousand degree fireball. :retard:
I still had to duck and cover, but that's because I grew up in earthquake country. Those flimsy desks were supposed to protect us from multi-ton steel I-beams crashing down during a 7.0 temblor.
Yeah. The drug of choice for the street kids in Montreal when I was a teen.

Glue usually, in a plastic baggie, but I remember PAM cooking spray being popular as well. I knew a few really smart, really lost kids who completely fucked themselves up with that stuff. Lost 4 friends in a fire in a local squat when a night of glue-sniffing in the wintertime meant that they didn't wake up when the fire they had set to keep warm got out of control. Sun Youth tried outreach campaigns, and tried to enlist local shop keepers in refraining from selling glue to kids. Not really that effective, but someone cared at least.

But the general public was mostly ignorant or uncaring that the street kids were turning themselves into zombies or dying because of this.

I'm really sad to see that nothing much has changed at all....
Never did it on purpose, but I used to get higher than shit when I had to use some outdoor carpet glue inside.... Whooooooooo The colors......

Oh, no nuclear drills for me either, I guess by then they figured out we might as well put our head between our knees and just kiss our ass goodbye.
Luckily solvent abuse seems to have gone out of fashion least, you don't see the multitude of empty glue bags and emptly gas cans lying around in parks and woodland anymore :eh:

A couple of me friends blew their brains on glue, they seem pretty much ok now tho'. Also lost a couple to the dreaded gas.....collapsed and the fluid froze their lungs, nice eh? :(

Was never a big fan of glue, tried prolly no more than a coupla dozen times.......didn't like the comedown and it turns ya into a zombie real quick (not to mention the "attractive" herpes-like sores glue bestows ya with)......I did quite like the gas cans tho' :blush: Had some brilliant trips on that stuff......shame a gas sniffer tends to end up dead pretty quickly :eh: