some odd means of death

I'm guessing the repetitious 'do' s that I'm seeing are indicators of insufficient information.

Lotsa trees falling on people up in your land. Perhaps the government should pass a law making it illegal for a tree to fall on anyone.
unclehobart said:
I'm guessing the repetitious 'do' s that I'm seeing are indicators of insufficient information.

Lotsa trees falling on people up in your land. Perhaps the government should pass a law making it illegal for a tree to fall on anyone.
if your tree falls on me you're we sorta did :D
Most of those are not unorthadox methods of death at all. The rather strange ones sound very errant now but in reality they wouldn't be so eccentric had we been there.
unclehobart said:
I'm guessing the repetitious 'do' s that I'm seeing are indicators of insufficient information.

Lotsa trees falling on people up in your land. Perhaps the government should pass a law making it illegal for a tree to fall on anyone.

My read is that "do" is a lazy person's way of writing "ditto." I could be wrong, though, and frequently am.... :eh:
23 ?? Bates & wife Near Allanburg, Ont do do

Shame hey - that poor couple were killed by DoDo's.....wonder if they were a millitant, left wing lesbian flock of birds, tired of being referred to as chicks?
16 Geo. Middleton (25 yrs) New Edinburgh, Ont Rupture of the bladder through over work

Hmmmm - see, I knew hard work is really bad for you! Don't do it! Don't work hard...ever! Just sit around & be a lazy bum - save yer bladder!

(Or mebbe he was a piss know - a weakling? The type of guy who just pees way too much....prehaps his poor bladder rebelled & comitted suicide.....assisted by the kidnies of course)
some seem strange but others dont. the shooting self, train, poision dont seem strange to me. now being killed by a flock of dodos or something... and some still seem a bit strange if cruel. Crucifiction,drowning someone, stoning, starving someone to death.
24 Jos. Jackson (92 yrs) Montreal Knocked down by a team of horses

Sheesh, shitty when those darned farm animals rebel innit?

Henry Cavendish Dunnville, Ont Suicide with Paris green

As opposed to Ontario Blue? (WTF is Paris Green?)

Jno. Stapleton Toronto Crushed in a sandpit

"....don't f*ck with kids building sandcastles hey!"

John Black Picton, Ont Thrown from a sleigh

Bet Santa was somehow involved in this one!

Martin Kiely (68 yrs) Montreal Falls downstairs

Perhaps if he'd fallen up 'em damned stairs he'd have survived!

?? Morton (16 yrs) Tyendinaga, Ont Struck by the limb of a tree

Smart tree - why waste all that energy of falling on someone with yer whole body when an arm or a leg will do?

Andrew McFallin Eganville, Ont Crushed under a fallen bank

Guess he was one of those 'stupid criminals' that didn't quite get the difference between 'heist' and 'hoist'

Geo. Anning St. John, N. B. Nervous shock

Wonder if that shock had to go into therapy to learn to be more assertive?

Les - do you suppose all those people burnt to death were witches or summin?
Leslie said:
I'm still getting over the killed by a game cock :confuse3:

One of my neighbors raises game cocks. People who fight them (he doesn't) attach razor sharp spurs to the bird's legs for the fight. If a bird with spurs on got loose, it could slash you up pretty good before you could get it under control again.
wonder how it killed him? :confuse3:

unc, I'm looking at it, thinking the do's might actually be dittos, they make sense mostly :shrug:
AlphaTroll said:
Henry Cavendish Dunnville, Ont Suicide with Paris green

As opposed to Ontario Blue? (WTF is Paris Green?)?

It's a pigment, but in this case was probably used as the wood preservative.

Paris green
n. A poisonous emerald-green powder, C[size=-1]4[/size]H[size=-1]6[/size]As[size=-1]6[/size]Cu[size=-1]4[/size]O[size=-1]16[/size], used as a pigment, insecticide, and wood preservative.
Leslie said:
wonder how it killed him? :confuse3:

unc, I'm looking at it, thinking the do's might actually be dittos, they make sense mostly :shrug:

its claws are sharp and if he could somehow get to the neck or someting. plus certain pressure points if utilised correctly can kill someone so maybe that.