Somebody who doesn't get it


molṑn labé
Staff member
BAGHDAD, Iraq - The head of the Iraqi Governing Council was killed in a suicide car bombing near a checkpoint outside the coalition headquarters in central Baghdad on Monday, dealing a blow to U.S. efforts to stabilize Iraq (news - web sites) ahead of a handover of sovereignty on June 30.

Abdel-Zahraa Othman, also known as Izzadine Saleem, was the second and highest-ranking member of the U.S.-appointed council to be assassinated. He was among nine Iraqis, including the bomber, who were killed, Iraqi officials said.

Looks like the June 30th withdrawl might have to be revisited. Iraq might not be ready for a change in power quite yet. Then again...with the war still raging around their ears, I don't know what the occupying force was thiking when they set the date this early. You can't go in, throw a whole GVT out of power and walk away with a few men to fill the void. When Saddam was disposed...he left a HUGE void of power behind. This small group of walking targets isn't gonna but it.
After a year of listening to "there's no exit strategy", when it's time to exit everybody wants to know "What's the hurry".

No wonder the left gets laughed at daily.
The question is: "Can there ever BE an exit strategy, or will Iraq become another protectorate?"
MrBishop said:
The question is: "Can there ever BE an exit strategy, or will Iraq become another protectorate?"

Can you say "cut and run?"

I knew that you could.
chcr said:
Can you say "cut and run?"

I knew that you could.

Nah...then you either get shot in the back on the way out, or you go home only to realize that you've got to turn right around and come back because in the three days that you were gone that some petty despot's come in a ruined the whole game for everyone.

Whoever rules Iraq after the modern day conquistadores leave will need 24/7 protection...the new police will need training, the new army weapons etc... plus the rebuild time. There might be no need for thousands of troops present...certainly not in the numbers there now, but I can still see the new president stating in ten years or so..."The deadline for the return of the last of our troops is February 1st, 2014." followed by "In other news, Iraq's new president M'hammed al Igrahim has just been killed in an attack by three men wielding hand-grenades"

aside : President Schwartzennegger "Fuck!"
Our rules for presidents mean Ah-nold can never be president because he's foreign-born.

As for pulling out on June 30... maybe what we need to do is exactly what you describe, pull out and then come back in a few days after Iraq's had a chance to make an ass of itself. Then we'd have met our deadline as promised and gave them a chance to rule themselves.
Gonz said:
After a year of listening to "there's no exit strategy", when it's time to exit everybody wants to know "What's the hurry".

No wonder the left gets laughed at daily.

There never was an" exit strategy ",even before the latest problems in Najaf ,Fallujah and now the killing of the government official, June was simply a "handing over" .The US has been trying to comeup with troupe rotation plans for 2005-2006 for over 6mnths now.
(There never was an" exit strategy ")

We never leave ground taken:
Germany Korea Iwo Jima Oops no wait I guess we gave that back
Yer Grandkids will be in the middle-east countries
U.S. in Iraq set in concrete