Someone moved out and left their dog

Yup, contacted Animal Control, the Humane Society and put an ad in the paper. He's wearing a collar, but no tags. If his owners don't claim him, he has a home.
good to see that hell have a home Q i hope he learns that your not a bad person and that you care. what did the animal control and humane society say? wish you the best luck Q
Both shelters took a detailed description of the dog and my name/phone # in case somebody calls looking for him, but so far noone has.
Q, that's so great of you. You know that if no one claimed him, he would be put to sleep because people want puppies, not dogs. And especially dogs that have special needs-like understanding that it may have been abused.

Good for you. And great for Stanley. :D

One thing though, if he is that skinny, maybe a call to the vet is in order to check him out, make sure he doesn't have anything. I visit a few labrador retriever rescue sites and so many of them are given up and left because they may have conditions that their people didn't want to pay for. :(
Labs have to be one of the best dogs you could own. I had one for 16 years and I miss her dearly...
We want to have labs so bad, but can't do it yet. So I just go to these sites, look at all their sweet faces and cry. ;)

We know where all the labs live in our neighborhood and talk to their owners whenever they walk by. I think it's like a requirement to be friendly when you own a lab because everyone always wants to pet them, especially kids lol

I saw this woman who works for another branch in my company and she finally got a yellow lab puppy that she's been talking about. She even had a picture of him with a Christmas background! He was adorable. *sigh*
greenie, he'll be going to the vet after xmas (if nobody claims him) he seems pretty healthy, except for being skinny.

I used to go to the sheepdog rescue sites all the time, but I had to qiut. It was making me too depressed.:crying4:
Q said:
you're such a tard s4....I didn't go through all this so he could get put to sleep:( fury hit the nail on the head on both of his last two posts:p

it's not worth it to answer
Q, you're a sucker for dogs, which is a good thing for Stanley. My wife says your others need a new friend anyway :D
No wonder he snapped at you. I'd do the same if I thought somebody would name me Stanley. ;)

Just to be on the safe not let the dog out of the house...if he has to go, take him out with the old leash. Take him to a vet for a good check-up as well.

Here's a thought...maybe the vet knows the last owner. Most folks take their dogs in for rabies and distemper shots on a regular basis, so maybe Stan has a steady doctor... :D
ipmoof said:
Q said:
We've been calling him Stanley.

After the knife, right? Good good.
ummm, I thought the knife's name was Mack:confuse3:

*makes mental note not to call Gato Stanley* ...he bites :D doggies did need a new friend. And he's driving them crazy too, especialy Chopper.
Q said:
you're such a tard s4....I didn't go through all this so he could get put to sleep:( fury hit the nail on the head on both of his last two posts:p

i've thought about it and decided i am going to answer

let's put things in perspective. how big is the city you live in? pretty big, huh? what do you honestly think the chances are that you might find the right shelter that had the owner of the pet looking for it? the title of your thread is "Someone moved out and left their dog". that indicates to me that you honestly don't think anyone is looking for it. so, if you don't think anyone is looking for it then why contact a shelter in a large city with chances of finding the owner being less than the chances of winning the lottery? it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

many people contact shelters with wishful thinking that they will find the pet a good home. i set you straight that these people don't care as much as you do. furthermore, whether they find the original owner or not doesn't matter to them. they might act nice to your face and turn around a laugh at you behind your back. i know how people in big cities are. your chances of finding the original owner are slim and none unless they come back to the neighborhood asking around.

you don't like the honest answers i gave you, so you respond by calling me a retard. i could of been an ass kisser like some people and just agreed with everything you said, but instead i treated you like a real friend and didn't try to insult your intelligence by patronizing you and building up false hopes.

remember when you were on the verge of losing your data in that thread at xibase? who was it that went out of his way to be helpful? i really don't think that calling me a retard is very nice.
Good going Q. Glad you got him.

We need more people like you. My neighbour leaves her two dogs in the garden all night. They just crap all over the place, and then when I go into my garden, all I can smell is crap!!! :grumpy:

Hope everything turns out ok for little Stan. :)

Happy Christmas
Thank you agw_01

s4 lets put things in a different perspective here, shall we?
How big is the city I live in? NOT big...not Hicksville, but not big. About 52,000...not a million. There are 2 shelters, I wouldn't classify that as a haystack, but if you want to, knock yourself out. I honestly don't think anyone is looking for this dog....but on the off chance that his owners recently moved and he somehow found his way to the old address, or that someone else is watching him for the owners and he escaped, I did what I would want someone else to do, had this happened to one of my dogs. I never had any intention of dropping him off at either shelter because a.) it must be a lonely scary place for any animal and b.)although I know they do their best to place these animals, some of them do get put down. If I couldn't keep him myself, I would have found him a good home on my own.
I do not believe the people that work at the shelters are cynical, jaded or uncompassionate as your paranoia would have you believe. Most of them are volunteers. Whether the shleter people care as much as me is purely speculative. One thing is for sure...YOU didn't set me straight about dick.
Now, how all this relates to "almost losing" my data, I can't imagine. However, you did provide some useful links which I appreciated, you were in no way obligated to reply to that thread. I did not specifically solicit your help. Don't throw it in my face. Just provide some insight and be on your merry the rest of us do. And for cripes sake, take that goddamn 2x4 outta your ass.
You've been ragging on me for quite a while. All I ever hear from you is that I am an ass or a tard. Every time we disagree on something you start with the name calling. The data thread is something that I brought up because it is just an example of how I don't respond in kind. You've had some kind of grudge thing going, and it's high time you got rid of it. I'm neither a retard or an ass. I don't agree with you 100% of the time on every issue, but when we disagree I don't call you names.

I think it was very nice of you to adopt the dog for the time being. I'm just telling you that not everyone is as compassionate towards animals as you are. That's no reason to start attacking me.
Q, well said. And please stay around, don't leave because of one person. I'm not saying you will or anything, we just miss you around here.

You did a good thing rescuing that dog, don't let anyone tell you differently. You did an even better thing by keeping your last post restricted to symbols and smilies too. :D Some things just aren't worth it... I just wish I could remember that all the time too. :)