someone please help me set up outlook....


New Member
i got me a new email addy... one for my domain name, so this new addy is [email protected] .
i'd like to set it up in outlook.

ok, so i do the stuff.... and it all goes fine, until i get to the bit about Email Server names...
wtf does that mean?? ... i feel really stupid having to ask, but i really do not know.

can someone please tell me so i can start really using this addy?
Those should both read as the same thing.. and they should be your default mail server. I am [email protected] .. and both of those read as

I don't know how yours is set up... but its probably along the same format.
mmmm I second guess is for both.

Your hosting company should have a mail section on their site if thats not it(probably have to log in or whatever) :)
ok, i set up ( is my domain, btw).

why isnt my mail sending? i keep sending email to one of my hotmail accoutns, to see if it all works.... it doesnt send, it just goes to my outbox and.... sits there. :(
Click the Send/Recieve Button?

Also, what version of Outlook do you have?
Hi there... your WHOIS info on points to as your registrar. Your registrar is who gives you your email address. You need to contact and ask them your POP3 (incoming email) and SMTP (outgoing email) addresses to use for Outlook Express. This is assuming they are indeed providing email with the domain name you ordered from them. If you are provided email service from someone else, you need to contact them for this info.
Ash, your best bet really is to call the Host. They can tell you quickly and easily how to set it up. Each can be just a little bit different, and if they aren't the right settings, it won't work at all. Call the Host.
ash r said:
*kicks random stuff*

Did they say you would get email service when you registered for this domain name? Did you purchase this domain name through ? If yes, they are the ones who will directly be able to help you, as it is their responsibility to provide this information. Otherwise, there is no way your email will reach you, or go out FROM you. That is why you require the appropriate POP3 and SMTP addresses from your provider.

Just as an FYI, so you understand better:
Think of Outlook Express as a repository for your email. It is a "dumb" client. Your email does not exist in Outlook Express unless it is retrieved from a server (your host's POP3 address is this server) onto your "dumb client" which is Outlook Express. Additionally, when you write an outgoing email, Outlook Express must know how to send it to the intended recipient. An SMTP (outgoing) address of your host is required to do this. It sends your email through the host's SMTP server and it's on its way to the intended recipient's email box (the recipient does the same thing to retrieve the email from their host, by connecting to their POP3 server). Outlook Express is merely a means for you to read and write emails but it has to know from where and by what means. That is why these POP3 and SMTP server addresses are required for you to proceed.
hmmm.... let me explain, that i dont believe my email is with dotster. i am not hosted by dotster, i just made my domain name there. the email services offered by dotster are different than what i've been offered.
i dont know what the name of my host is, because the person who donated the space to me (mr diggler), i dont believe has told me what it's called.

so i'm confused.