Something that made my blood boil...


Ok since my fiance is on depo I've been doing a little more indept research on the subject and I found on a little discussion about it. Here To my amazement for the most part (i only read 20 replies in) either the women completely hated men and said they could go with out sex at all or blamed the medical field saying they only wanted money. Just curious how you guys respond..I was fuming after reading some of them.

just a taste
Bedoa said:
I just don't have sex. Haven't in six years. Haven't been dating either. Makes life a lot less complicated.
My wife used Depo before I met her, said it was the worst year of her life. Depressed constantly, sick half the time, wasn't good.
Well ... what better way to prevent pregnancy than to make it so women don't want to have sex? ;)
PuterTutor said:
My wife used Depo before I met her, said it was the worst year of her life. Depressed constantly, sick half the time, wasn't good.
Yeah it seems pretty hit or miss with the stuff.... my fiance only has the appitite problem and the libido problem! I consider myself lucky reading some of the horror stories related to it
i use depo...i love depo...depo is my friend...i feel for these women that are impeding by depo....but let's not necessarily blame depo for some womens sex hang alot of cases, women are still raised that sex is only enjoyable for the men...there is still some stigma attached to a woman that enjoys sex...and many, many women judge all sex based on the sex they have had....bad experience or lousy partners...they don't seem to miss it....poor things.
I used the depo - made me gain about 5kgs and I had a constant period for three months. It was really annoying because it wasn't enough to use tampons, but a little too much for just a panty liner. The drug from HELL I tell you! HELL!!!!
Never have used it, I've been using the pill since I was 18, with a 2 month break of it after I broke up with the ex. Somehow it never adversely affected me - didn't gain weight, no mood swings, no demise in sex drive. But it did work wonders in reducing the period pains I used to have to 0.

I don't get how those women will keep using a product that is bad for them - why not switch to something else?
I understand and do agree somewhat with ya tonks but I also take into consideration how far the feminist movement has come (which I'm happy about). And if any of these women get into a position of power I feel sorry for any man or boy who comes under her power or in her way. Some of the rants on there are just that rants but for some of those women it was like a religion (man hating). It just really angered me and threw up a flag to start asking what other ppl think.