Song lyrics

I quit listening to slayer after south of heaven. They got to soft for me. I try only to listen to clean deathmetal now like Napalm death.
LastLegionary said:
whoreable said:
the slayer album undisputed attitude was fun.
I just read some of the lyrics, and you'll forgive me for saying but I don't quite agree with you there. :eek: :eek:

undisputed attitude is slayer doing covers. and it is fun. well for me. but i enjoy being verbaly abused.
*runs away screaming*

OK I feel a bit disturbed by this entire thing, this was a m a j o r shock for me ok? I think I will go back to my music now, specifically CLEAN stuff to get rid of these um, images... *mozart should do it*
LastLegionary said:
*runs away screaming*

OK I feel a bit disturbed by this entire thing, this was a m a j o r shock for me ok? I think I will go back to my music now, specifically CLEAN stuff to get rid of these um, images... *mozart should do it*

but seriously that album is not quite as morbid as the others. not liek it matters though you can't understand them.

personally i don't listen to them at all otherwise, i just dig some of their covers.

slayer is kids stuff compared to some other bands and their videos.\

but i wouldn't really know i am not a metal fan. i like my music fast and shitty.
whoreable said:
LastLegionary said:
*runs away screaming*

OK I feel a bit disturbed by this entire thing, this was a m a j o r shock for me ok? I think I will go back to my music now, specifically CLEAN stuff to get rid of these um, images... *mozart should do it*

but seriously that album is not quite as morbid as the others. not liek it matters though you can't understand them.

personally i don't listen to them at all otherwise, i just dig some of their covers.

slayer is kids stuff compared to some other bands and their videos.\

but i wouldn't really know i am not a metal fan. i like my music fast and shitty.
Sorta like ABBA played at 78 speed on an old phonograph.
What has our society come to? And they worry about GAMES?! Like Soldier of Fortune, Quake, etc?! holy shit man, thats just messed up, games are weak compared to the music.


cigarettes.gif, 45.56kb

The reason I'm so disturbed by this is simple. They sing so easy of death and killing. In reality it is MUCH different. It stirred some very, very vivid and powerful memories.

Warning: disturbing stuff ahead, don't read if you are freaked out easily.

When I was 16 my father told me its time for a life lesson and took me to a city. That day they were going to publicly execute a man. There was a small crowd around the market place. They tied the man's hands behind his back and put his head on some sort of stump. Someone took an axe or sword to it, I don't remember. I remember the head falling off, rolling on the stones, blood gushing everywhere. The corpse just tried pumping blood to the head which was no longer there. The muscles twiched, disconnected from the brain.

People ran for the head and started kicking it around, as if it is a soccer ball. You know, you are still conscious for 30 or so seconds after decapitation, and here people are kicking your face. You can't scream, your lungs aren't there. They blindfolded him, but through the kicking it came off and his eyes fell out, glazed over, dead. People didn't seem to notice, they just continued their game of soccer.

I threw up. I cried, I cried at an age I thought I would never cry again. Death is not pretty. Its horrible. That night I did not sleep at all. I kept seeing the body twitching, and the dead glazed over eyes.

All these lyrics awakened some powerful memories tonight, and I'm feeling very distraught right now. :( Guys, death isn't fun, it is not easy, it is not pretty, to sing about it in that sense makes me want to throw up. Maybe its just me, but I'm feelin sick right now.

Hope you can sleep tonight, I don't think I will for a while.
Cannibal Corpse, too. I found them out during that movie with Hammer Smashed Face in it. I forgot which movie it was. I believe it was Jim Carrey's 'Mask'? I dont' know...