
there's a lot wrong with her. though perhaps there's less wrong with her than ultracreep jeff sessions.
avoided because she doesn't believe in the right to bear arms.

"What we do is different than the conversations citizens have about what they want the law to do," Sotomayor said on the third day of her Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing.

Judges look at the facts of a case and apply the law based on those facts, she said.

"It's not that we make a broad policy choice and say this is what we want," she continued.

It's the exact answer that you want to hear from a would be Judge. If she'd stated her opinion on those particular statements, THEN I'd be worried.
IMO it's very arrogant the way she speaks for ALL other judges.

She didn't say if that was also what She thought was true though.

what other judges think/do
does not equal what she really thinks, or would do.

She's been a rock at not letting anyone into her head, on this hearing.
yep, just switched.
I didn't like those appointments either much.

I'm more of a seniority person.
IMO Scalia would have been a better chief.
Ask the Brady Campaign
Judge Sotomayor’s legal opinions have shown a strong respect for precedent in upholding federal and state gun laws, while her background and experience promise to bring a real world, personal understanding of the effects of gun violence that will be welcome on our nation’s highest Court.


So, if you know that guns are dangerous & will rule that way because you're a lifetime appointee, it's a good thing?
She'll be confirmed due to politics & not her idea of justice

She'll be confirmed because of her qualifications and because the republicans just made asses of themselves again.

Shrink that base some more, I'm lovin' it.
Frankly, any judge that claims their upbringing and ethnicity ("wise latina can make better decisions than white guy" anyone?) will have a major effect on their decision making is not qualified for that much responsibility. Last time I checked, claiming superiority over another due to ethnicity and gender was blatantly unconstitutional, and that comment alone is enough to make her lose all credibility.
I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.

Seems pretty much in context there, spike. You going to defend my accusation, or ignore it and change the subject?