Well-Known Member
Nice rebuttal for someone who makes clip-art for a living.
Any recent gains are despite Obama's policies
I think I'm seeing a pattern with them...
If it's a bad thing, it was because Republicans obstructed, but if it's
a good thing, it's because of Obama's singularly extraordinary leadership.
.Well, speaking of last night, that was a tough speech to sit through and try to stomach because the president is so off base in his ideas in how it is he believes government is going to create jobs. Obviously, government growth won’t create any jobs. It’s the private sector that can create the jobs. His theme last night in the State of the Union was the WTF, you know, “Winning the Future,” and I thought OK, that acronym, spot on. There were a lot of WTF moments throughout that speech.”
you realize that the flip side of those assertions have been made hundreds of times here, right?
cause, you know, the recession is obamaus' fault. the fact that we buy shitloads of chinese crap at wal-mart, now that's the kenyan muslim's fault too.
oh, that's right, you're just being clever HA HA HA.