Soup's on


New Member
I like soup! It's easy, cheap to make, and generally tasty. I am always looking for new soup recipes. You got a favorite?

Next time I am at the grocery I will be picking up the ingredients for Italian Wedding soup which is a soup that my local deli makes and I quite enjoy it so I'm going to give it a go at home.
My Ex is Italian and I ate that soup all the time - love it!
Weight Watchers actually has an awesome recipe for a soup - it's vegetarian and I don't know what it's called :) I learned about it over 12 yrs ago.
Can you find the recipe anywhere? Sounds good!
I made a bean and ham soup tonight. It was good but the store was out of the ham I like to use and I noticed the difference.
My mom has the weight watches veggie soup recipe. I'll try to remember to get it from her tomorrow. She really enjoys it. I'm not a soup person, never have been.
have ya ever noticed, wimmins think soup is a meal while men think it's an appetizer.
The BF makes a fantastic onion soup. He serves it in these lil' soup tureens and puts a piece of baguette in there with gruyere and grills the lot in the oven - god damn.... I want that now.

Hmm... I posted a soup recipe on pil *goes off to search for it*

aha, here it is :

Leek & Tomato soup with finely chopped day-old sour dough.

Sweat onion & baby leek in a pan for 10 minutes.
Add 2 cans mulched romano tomatoes, chilli to taste, and salt/pepper.
Simmer for 1/2 hour.
Add finely chopped bread to the tomato & leek mixture, and simmer for 5 minutes.
Add 750 ml of vegetable broth (preferably home-made), simmer for 10 minutes.
Serve immediately.
Is a mulched tomato a diced tomato or a stewed tomato or tomato paste? Please answer- don't make me call my Mother to ask.
I love my mom. She was downstairs watching TV and I yelled out and asked if she had the recipe written down and she said she didn't know and asked why and I told her "Someone on the internet wants it" and she came upstairs and found it right away!!

Weight Watcher's Vegtable Soup

1 cup zucchini
1 cup broccolli
1 cup onions
1 cup green cabbage
1 cup cauliflower
1 cup celery
2 cloves garlic
1/2 cup barley
3 cups water and 2 tablespoons of dry stock OR 3 cups of broth
2 tablespoons of tomato paste
1 1/2 tablespoons of basil, oregano, rosemary and bay leafs

Boil for 45min

My mom does her veggies in the food processor and she doesn't use zucchini but if you like your veggies in bigger chunks that works too :)
All this talk of soup!! For lunch today I went to Safeway and got one of their signature soups, a tomato-basil bisque.

Soup and sammich ... yummy!