southern BBQ lasagna


Well-Known Member
Well, time for my annual adventure in the kitchen to see what else I can get away with. This year's attempt is to pull off a pulled pork Lasagna. Requests at OTC for southern BBQ recipes supplied bubkis, so I'm gonna have to go it alone and build up some sort of half decent Canuck version of sauce. Naturally, this will be the meat and sauce part of the lasagna. Pasta is pasta. But I'm kinda hung up on what cheese to use. My normal Mexican lasagna uses 50/50 emental and mozzarella. I was considering extra old cheddar for this new one, but I'm not sure it's got enough flavour to carry past the pork. Anyone got any opinions?

Naturally, the whole thing will be topped in bacon. All I need is to sort out that cheese issue.

If it's not already obvious .... anyone with a history of cardiac trouble needs to sign a waiver to sit at my table.
Pepper jack



something either spicy, or tres mild I would think, italian cheeses on a bbq sauce sounds gross

and I did contribute to the bbq thread!
Yes, you did.

I just can't get pepper jack out here. Every time I've gotten it, it was picked up during a Platsburg trip.
Yes, you did.

I just can't get pepper jack out here. Every time I've gotten it, it was picked up during a Platsburg trip.

Pre shredded?

specialty store? (There is one on....that popular street..near st. hubert st.) Where dragon rouge is...

Monteray jack
Monteray Jack I can sometimes get, but it's pretty hit and miss. As for getting to St-hubert street, it's easier for me to get to Platsburg.
Too mild. That's the problem. I need something with enough bite, but that won't conflict with the pork and sauce. I'd be tempted to stick with the emmental, but I'm really wanting to change things up a bit.

Mostly because V2.0 has stolen my mexican lasagna for herself.
Pecarino mixed with chili flakes.

OLD cheddar with a real bite


Bechemel sauce instead of cheese?