Speak English!

He rants a bit too much, but he does have a point. I don't expect people in Mexico or Germany to speak to me in English, so why must I speak Spanish or German to them here in the US? The US government has regulations dictating the use of Spanish on all federal forms. I don't think Spain has such a regulation on the use of a foreign language on it's books. ;)
dildo mart.. where is this magical place :gay:

anyhow, I don't condone the governments policy, as that rant made a lot of sense to me, but the population of non english speaking people in the US is so large (in comparison to non native speaking dwellers in other countries), I have to imagine we'd be fuct if they were not able to read and communicate with businesses, products, and the law, as they'd suck us dry and not be able to give anything in return to the masses which I guess the government has determined would cost more.

although they could get off their 'lazy asses' and learn english, but that won't happen in a million years by which point everyone will look and speak the same anyhow, so whats the point :rolleyes:
dutchmaster said:
I have to imagine we'd be fuct if they were not able to read and communicate with businesses, products, and the law, as they'd suck us dry and not be able to give anything in return to the masses which I guess the government has determined would cost more.

although they could get off their 'lazy asses' and learn english, but that won't happen in a million years by which point everyone will look and speak the same anyhow, so whats the point :rolleyes:

Au contrair, mon frere. ;) Most of the people making the stink about their 'native language' are not the immigrants. It's their children. As for the rest, one could make it mandatory to be able to speak or read rudimentary English before being allowed US residency.
Just require all applications for permanent residence to have an attachment certifying that you got 80% or higher in a grade 12 equivalent English course. That used to be done, and I still think its a good idea.
I think that if you live in the US, you should be required to speak the official language. Now what is that? Oh, that's right, we don't have one.
The federal government does not have one. Many states do. But regardless of that, I think it would be the best for the community as a whole if everyone speaks English. Otherwise you end up with Europe, which we don't want. Even Canada requires that you speak either English or French before they grant you citizenship. Unfortuantely, you can get permanent residence status regardless if you can communicate in English or not.

I have no wish to adapt to other people's languages and customs in my own country. Fuck them. They can go back to their shithole and speak whatever language they want. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I didn't come to North America with the intent of changing them to fit ME. I adapted.

In the meantime, if someone doesn't try to speak English to me, I tell him/her to fuck off. If he tries, well, I will help him out. If he gets offended, he really doesn't want to learn more English so he can screw off anyways. I really have no patience for people that can't properly communicate and have no wish to learn how to do so. English is my third language and 99% of my communication done is in English. It was hard at first, but it can be done, so I don't see any excuse for anyone not to adapt.
PuterTutor said:
I think that if you live in the US, you should be required to speak the official language. Now what is that? Oh, that's right, we don't have one.

That's because Congress is more interested in re-election than the public good. It's always been political suicide to stand up for something, and it probably always will. Unfortunately, it's not Congress who suffers from their ineptitude...they always seem to grant themselves an out...it's the rest of the population. ;)