Speaking of homes...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
I wonder how much this one cost to build...

He's Six Feet Underground, But He's Far From Dead and Gone

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — A city fire investigator says he found a man living in a well-equipped underground bunker.

James O'Neill, an investigator with the city fire marshal's office, said the man, a 47-year-old veteran, uses car batteries to light the 16-foot-by-20-foot space, which is six feet underground. He cooks food in a hot pot.

The man said the bunker took two years to dig, O'Neill said.

The walls are covered with insulation and plastic tarps and the ceiling is made of wood and roofing material, said O'Neill, who discovered the home over the weekend while investigating a nearby fire. The man sleeps on a foam bed, O'Neill said.

"Some people would call him homeless, but he's a clean, well-spoken guy. When I spoke to him, he was reading a novel by Joseph Wambaugh," O'Neill told The Buffalo News.

The fire investigator declined to give the man's name or say where the bunker is located to protect the man's privacy. He said the man earns money doing occasional odd jobs.

"It's not the Marriott hotel by any means, but this man has made it comfortable down there," O'Neill said.

The man said he has been living in the bunker for about six years.

"He told me it's a peaceful and tranquil place to live," O'Neill said.

He's definitely Out There
Gato, the guy's a Vet. Article specifically says he was clean, and the bunker well equipped. What's your problem?

Tonks, Rob and I tend to think along the same lines. Either we could finish each other's sentences, or we're polar opposites, but seldom do we tangent.
You sound like Rob. Ask him about his missile silo in kansas plan.

I think he'd better rethink that plan. Most of them are filled with water by now, or in a serious case of disrepair in other ways. Not to mention that they may still be on somebodies first-strike list. Better he does what the guy I quoted did. ;)
Some of the earliest settlements up here were 'soddies'. Little more than mounds of dirt and grass over a framework. Earth is a wonderful insulator ... in fact, an underground house would be the first step in truly going green. Less than a quarter the required energy for heating and air conditioning. The hobbit hole is a masterpiece .... except for the overlarge door.
It is a bitch to hang a picture on a long curving wall though... and flat screen tv's over 3 feet wide will never hang on a wall at all.
Gato, the guy's a Vet. Article specifically says he was clean, and the bunker well equipped. What's your problem?

Don't have one. I was just wondering where he does his washing-up and where he dumps his excrement. The latrine could be just a 5-gal bucket with a lid, emptied when required, but showering/bathing uses a lot more resources.
If he's got the facilities somewhere to charge those batteries, I'd assume he's got the necessary for hygiene too.
Still... a hole in the ground in Buffalo has got to SUCK in deep winter. I don't care how much insulation he slaps up.
I need to see how the thing is built. I can't imagine that a makeshift is all that air tight above ground. Its not like the guy was a born engineer like that Alaskan cabin dude.