Speaking of homes...

I keep dwelling upon the balance of fresh air and humidity control versus solid insulation and wondering how I would pull it off if I had to do it. I do have some ideas... its all a matter of the materials at hand.
Too bad they didn't post pics of the place. I understand that they respect his privacy... but I want to see, critique, and marvel at what he's pulled off.

I just wonder how he's charging his batteries. I hope he's not illegally piggybacking on someone.
If he's using car batteries, I'll lay money he's got a windmill with a 12V alternator on it somewhere close.
If he's using car batteries, I'll lay money he's got a windmill with a 12V alternator on it somewhere close.

I was thinking he had a car. The article mentions odd jobs. The windmill is a great idea, though. I'm also thinking the guy was a sapper or part of a CE or CB unit.
In case you're wondering ... I've seen this before. All part and parcel of surviving Armageddon.

Usually part of a house, though. And those shelters also have a problem with 'bodily waste material' over a long period of time...