Speaking of Hydrogen...


Too cute for words
A newly developed process that uses bacteria to consume human waste and other biomass produces four times more hydrogen than previous efforts.

Some scientists and politicians envision an economy of the future fueled by hydrogen rather than fossil fuels. Others say that idea is rubbish.

The new technique won't by itself create a hydrogen economy, but it could help make wastewater treatment less costly.


Another article on atomic batteries as well.
Intersting article...thanks!

you would figure that the most abundant gas in the universe would be easier to harvest, eh? Guess not.

This article was pretty interesting/disturbing as well.

End of Oil Could Fuel 'End of Civilization as We Know It

This kind of thing could change how we view the middle-east, and S.Arabia, Iraq as powerhouse nations. He who controlled oil ruled the world...no more!
MrBishop said:
This kind of thing could change how we view the middle-east, and S.Arabia, Iraq as powerhouse nations. He who controlled oil ruled the world...no more!

I've long suspected that a lot of the unrest in the region was "fueled" by the knowledge (they're not idiots after all) that their global dominance was limited by available oil reserves. I doubt things are as dire as this "the end is neer" article states, but it will end.
chcr said:
I've long suspected that a lot of the unrest in the region was "fueled" by the knowledge (they're not idiots after all) that their global dominance was limited by available oil reserves. I doubt things are as dire as this "the end is neer" article states, but it will end.
I somehow get the feeling that once alternative fuel vehicles hit the market en force, that oil will become something which is used to make plastics instead. There are far more things than gassoline that can be made with crude oil. The long path into the dark will be a while for Opec. Plus, there's always third-world nations and places like China, Russia and India which will need fossil fuels long after North America and Europe puts their needs aside.
Sorry to burst your bubble but use of alternative fuels won't commence until after all the oil is gone (and the subsequent collapse of the global economy). Here's hoping some of our descendants live through it.