Spitwad could land a boy in prison.


New Member
Jeffrey Figueroa, 13, admits he shot a spitwad at his Walnut Creek school last fall and that it hit another student in the right eye, requiring surgery.

But the seventh-grader and his parents said Tuesday that he never should have been convicted of two felonies -- let alone charged -- for what they call a schoolyard accident. He faces spending up to eight years in a juvenile prison.

This story can be found here: SFGate.com

Eight years in juvy for a spitwad? I think that's a little too much. A spitwad is usually a harmless thing, but since it did hurt the other boy, he should be punished; I think 6 months in juvy would be a decent punishment, if the boy has no other record of agression or bad behavior.
Geez, that's insane. Boys are, well... boys. They're going to make spitwads. I bet the judge and every single male juror (if there were any involved) shot spitwads at some point when they were young. :rolleyes:

A felony? Maybe I'm just missing some important piece of the puzzle here. Did the spitwad contain arsenic, or nitroglycerin?
Originally posted by outside looking in
Geez, that's insane. Boys are, well... boys. They're going to make spitwads. I bet the judge and every single male juror (if there were any involved) shot spitwads at some point when they were young. :rolleyes:

A felony? Maybe I'm just missing some important piece of the puzzle here. Did the spitwad contain arsenic, or nitroglycerin?

Dude yeah the shiot that is happening in scholls today are crazy. If I got in trouble for all the shit I pulled I would still be in prison! You can bet the kids whose parents have cash will not get into this kind of trouble. What is new though huh!