Spring showed it's ugly face

Today I did my yearly dismantle and clean of the mower, mowed the lawn, cleaned out my shed (been needing that horribly since middle of last summer), got all the bikes (8 of em) out of the basement, changed two tires that wouldn't hold air anymore, aired up the rest, oiled all the chains, tightened the brakes, and rode around the block at least 8 times. Yep, I'm gonna feel it tomorrow.
Today my brother in law, nephew & I discovered why "in the kitchen, barefoot & pregnant" was adopted by men.:rofl2:
Well... I weeded the pots, then took a look at the foot high grass and decided to hack it back some other time...
Put up a fence to give the new grape plants something to climb on, added 16 asparagus plants, planted 12 brocolli plants (hope it isn't too late) & did some minor shit. Going to New England this week is looking better & better.
Aunty Em said:
Well... I weeded the pots, then took a look at the foot high grass and decided to hack it back some other time...

We just got rid of the last of the snow.
You got rid of yours?

* is jealous

thinks about the mud/snow/sand combo adorning her lawn.

I left Boston yesterday around noon. It was about 81...I hit Batavia NY (distant buffalo burb) about 8PM...and it was 36. Talk about culture shock.
26C here yesterday, hotter than Spain apparently and it looks like today is shaping up the same way! :)