Southern Discomfort
and some other shit that i don't know what is yet.
Any of it look like this?

and some other shit that i don't know what is yet.
i inhereted a catnip sprig i am trying to root in water... might not work, but worth a shot.
Our autumn must be like your spring, our winter like your spring, our spring like your hell and our summer too.
Green plants all year long.
*wonders if she should explain to the yank exactly what 'rooting' means
*wonders if she should explain to the yank exactly what 'rooting' means
comes from old german for "snout", possible from older latin, "gnaw"!
one http:// too many
It's the house right in the middle of the pic.
And now for the downside of spring.
I'm mowin'. Peacefully. Ain't botherin' a soul. Round the corner of the house...the one with the door that goes into the crawlspace below...
I actually tried to run over the fucker with the mower, but he was too quick. At least two feet long, which is 23 1/2 inches too damn long. I got off the mower to have a glance around, and the hellion came at me. Laughing. Oh it's on pal.
Agenda item one for tomorrow: Call a fuggin exterminator. Annhialate with extreme prejudice. Maybe I can get me some boots.
STFU Gonz.