Springtime in Indiana


molṑn labé
Staff member
Sunny & 75.

Got the asparagus & strawberries in the ground.

In the basement, I got all my vegetable seeds started & have two portable heaters running to keep the area warm enough.

In the computer room ,the window AC unit is running.

The rest of the house is lcoping with open windows & a slight breeze.

The dog is in the backyard & refuses to come in.

If the weather would only stay this pleasant.
Springtime in Northern Norway, specifically this friday:

The coltsfoot has covered the ground.
Sneakers enjoy the dry pavement.
The warming sun tries to lure my freckles out.
Summer jacket and t-shirt is nearly too much.

The sky turns white in the evening from the snow filling the air.
Gentle sleep is interruptet as large amounts of "wtfdicf"*-snow slides off the rooftop and lands on the roof of the add-on right outside my bedroom window.
Where the hell did I put my mittens?

*where the fuck did it come from
it's a little rainy here in my area of Hawai'i ... i could go for some sun right now ... but, on the other hand, this is good cuddle in bed with a good book weather :D
*sigh* I wish I was living back in Indiana. Winters seemed to last all of 2 months.
Winters in ND seem to last longer than the summers. :crap: I don't miss that horrible humidity though!
I spent all of the warm lovely days at work, and now that I have a day off, it is cold here again. *sigh*