squiggy, watch your legs.....

kuulani said:
does it really taste like chicken?
sorta, yeah...the bones are way different though...i should think that would be the biggest tip off if you were unsure...but they are way tasty,
can't eat um...not since that dissection in college...*shudder*

And they are to be found almost any chinese buffet in Montreal.

Maybe we have a froggy infestation here...
never tried frog legs ... i should add that to my list of foods-to-try.

i do, however, loooove escargot! now that's something i thought i'd never eat in my life!!
kuulani said:
never tried frog legs ... i should add that to my list of foods-to-try.

i do, however, loooove escargot! now that's something i thought i'd never eat in my life!!
i love escargot! i have only had them one time...in france...SLURP!...i devoured them! yum :D...you should try the froglegs....we eat alligator here, too....that's outstanding....some people eat NUTRIA RAT, but i'm awful hesitant....i'd prolly try it if someone had some...but i'm not gonna go looking for it! :D
i do want to try turtle before i leave, though.
You folks eat some weird stuff :eek6:

Now, if you'll excuse me.......I've got some jellied eels I need to get back to....
i'm willing to taste frog legs and alligators ... but i'm drawing the line at rats. my brain isn't evolved enough to contemplate eating rats.
kuulani said:
i'm willing to taste frog legs and alligators ... but i'm drawing the line at rats. my brain isn't evolved enough to contemplate eating rats.
right...exactly....but apparently they make good sausage :shrug:
if i remember correctly there are really only like a few creatures you can't eat are....but this is from my BMR's (basic military requirements) and i braindumped all that info years ago....i know one was sea snakes...because i remember thinking if i had to live on sea snake i'd pretty much rather hang it up....that would just be it, you know?
Frogs legs are excellent...and they take the flavor of whatever you cook them in better than chicken :p

Never had snails or rats. Goats, sheep, wild pig, cow's tongue soup, horse, snake and a few other oddities including pan-fried ants. :)

Used to have rats as pets...couldn't bring myself to eat one 'just because'. If it was life or death, it'd be rat à l'orange or rato con carne :)
:lol2: just a word to the wise...when a coonass says they ae sending you some seafood gumbo you shouldn't be too particular about what goes in the pot....but it was damn tasty! :D