SRT-8 Update...


New Member
for those who remember the new 300c SRT-8 that got smashed a little while ago...
here is a little update on its progress report.
got it back from the collision shop, where they straighten the front end out.
I put the drive train back in and sent it back to them for front sheet metal and paint. it should be back in about a week.
And speaking of SRT-8's
got to play with another one today.. (crappy phone pics sorry):shrug:
I couldn't hack the payments for an SRT-8 even if I had stayed at the old apartment anyway... not even the payments for HL's Magnum.
Yeah, but then I couldn't take showers... and I wouldn't want someone who hasn't showered in a while to sit on my nice seats.
I'd figured a car payment that would be realistic for me would be in the $300 range... but moving increased my rent by $275.
Inkara1 said:
I'd figured a car payment that would be realistic for me would be in the $300 range... but moving increased my rent by $275.

Don't forget the increased fuel and Insurance costs.:hmm: