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Full story at foxTuesday, October 12, 2004
By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos
WASHINGTON — Critics of a ballot initiative that would retroactively transform the way the state distributes its electoral votes in the presidential election say they worry Colorado could mimic another infamous state in the 2000 election.
"We don’t want Colorado to be the Florida of 2004," said Kate Atkinson, spokeswoman for a group called Coloradans Against a Really Stupid Idea (search), which is fighting a ballot initiative that would change Colorado’s "winner-take-all" electoral college vote distribution to a system in which presidential candidates would get a share of the state’s nine electoral votes in proportion to their take of the popular vote.
If it passes, the new rule would apply to the 2004 election, and in a close race like 2000, it might mean all the difference to the national outcome of the race.
The initiative's impact on the national election would almost immediately lead to a court battle over the new law’s constitutionality, said Bill Whalen, political expert with the Hoover Institution (search) at Stanford University. "It wouldn’t be quite as controversial as hanging chads, but it would be a frustration."
I think if one state does it then all of um should Have to.
Of coarse I think it should be strictly popular vote anyway so....
I still don't see where Gore won the pop vote though.
Of coarse I didn't think Clinton would get a second either.