Stats on Adultery


Kissy Goddess
Hey - I was having this argument (discussion) with a friend who's wife had an affair on him and wouldn't stop the affair, but also wouldn't leave the house.. blah blah blah... anyways - I have a question for you guys/gals.

What are the stats on repeat offenders? Sounds harsh, I know - but in percentage format, how likely is it a man or woman will have an affair ON the person they were having an affair WITH.

Clear as mud? I can't find those stats online...?
I've cheated 2 times, the first one I cheated an ex, the 2nd one I cheated the girl with whom I cheated my ex.
Don't know how reliable the source is, but THIS says 15-20% repeat offenders.

Judging by what I've seen personally, that sounds awful low....
A rule of thumb that you can take to the bank:

If someone 'cheats' within a marriage,
they will do it again.
My dad only cheated on my Mom with one woman, and he's still with that woman after about 15 years now I think, they're finally engaged, unless there's more we haven't found out about. It would surprise me really, my dad's not exactly a womanizer.
I believe it depends on the situation and how happy you are. I cheated on my ex once and haven't cheated since. I don't have the urge to cheat either, because I'm happy.
Does that mean that, if you become unhappy, you will cheat? Or that, if you find someone you want to cheat with, and don't, if that makes you unhappy, it's alright?

I've never understood the mentality of cheating on someone. It you wanna go out with someone else, break it off with your current, and go date the new one. How hard is that? If that seems like too much trouble, maybe, just maybe, it's not worth it?

Once you're married .... well, WTF did you get married for? To become a couple. Period. Fin. End of discussion. Playing the field, trying to upgrade, looking for more : it all stops at the altar, damn it. You agree to stick with this one 'til one of you dies.

What the fuck is with looking for grey areas in this?
Professur said:
Does that mean that, if you become unhappy, you will cheat? Or that, if you find someone you want to cheat with, and don't, if that makes you unhappy, it's alright?

I've never understood the mentality of cheating on someone. It you wanna go out with someone else, break it off with your current, and go date the new one. How hard is that? If that seems like too much trouble, maybe, just maybe, it's not worth it?

Once you're married .... well, WTF did you get married for? To become a couple. Period. Fin. End of discussion. Playing the field, trying to upgrade, looking for more : it all stops at the altar, damn it. You agree to stick with this one 'til one of you dies.

What the fuck is with looking for grey areas in this?

If it wasn't so easy to get a divorce, people wouldn't be so quick to marry. :shrug: That doesn't explain adultry, but it explains a bit about why people don't stay married...
I'm not here to pass judgement on who does what when how where or who, I just want to know the stats on the likelyhood of a cheater to repeat his/her self.
I'd say it's pretty likely, more than 50 or so. I have to agree with Prof though, sorry Uki, but to say that you're happy now so you won't cheat, well, that's bullshit. There are tough times in life, it's about alot more than just happiness.
PuterTutor said:
I'd say it's pretty likely, more than 50 or so. I have to agree with Prof though, sorry Uki, but to say that you're happy now so you won't cheat, well, that's bullshit. There are tough times in life, it's about alot more than just happiness.
but what you do in one situation is not what you would do in another. there are many varying factors (not that i am justifying it in any sense) but there are mitigating circumstances that need to be taken into account before you assume that someone will be a repeat offender.
Stats on Adultery, eveyone who does it lies about it!

tonksy said:
mitigating circumstances that need to be taken into account before you assume that someone will be a repeat offender.

Sure just because someone has committed a crime like say murder, doesn't mean they'd do it again lol

Seriously once an adulterer always an adulterer.

Some here have mixed up one thing. Cheatin' on your BF/GF is not adultery. Adultery only occurs inside marriage. If your BF/GF cheats you'd be a fool to marry them, ya think? Now there are those who don't see adultery as a big deal Hillary Clinton for one. This says ALOT about a person.

I still love the Ross Perot quote:

"If your wife can't trust you, why should I?"
Spirit said:
I'm not here to pass judgement on who does what when how where or who, I just want to know the stats on the likelyhood of a cheater to repeat his/her self.

YOu should care. It is certainly an indicator of character.

In the case of cheating on me....there is no second chance.
Re: Stats on Adultery, eveyone who does it lies about it!

Winky said:
Sure just because someone has committed a crime like say murder, doesn't mean they'd do it again lol

Seriously once an adulterer always an adulterer.

Some here have mixed up one thing. Cheatin' on your BF/GF is not adultery. Adultery only occurs inside marriage. If your BF/GF cheats you'd be a fool to marry them, ya think? Now there are those who don't see adultery as a big deal Hillary Clinton for one. This says ALOT about a person.

I still love the Ross Perot quote:

"If your wife can't trust you, why should I?"
i totally disagree...i'm not going to say all the time but sometimes adultery is just a sign of some other problem in the marriage. everybody here has been in tough situations and fucked up sometimes...doesn't mean you will do it doesn't make you a bad means that you screwed up or were running away from something....maybe it would have been best to deal with said situation the proper way but everyone has to learn a lesson sometimes. life is about learning lessons, right? you fuck up and learn from your mistakes. if you don't you are doomed to live in a repeat cycle of fuck ups and discord. when i was a kid i stuck my finger on a burner...realized how much it hurt and i've never done it again....of course the hurt in the case of adultery may not be your own follow me.
i just learned to not judge people based on an isolated incident because you never know when your life will take a detour through fuckedupville and you'll need people to not be judgemental of you.
repeat offenders on the other hand....mayhap the problem lies with some kind of bizarre insecurity...the need to feel acceptance and 'love' from a variety of people...either way, i pity them.
Re: Stats on Adultery, eveyone who does it lies about it!

tonksy said:
i totally disagree...i'm not going to say all the time but sometimes adultery is just a sign of some other problem in the marriage. everybody here has been in tough situations and fucked up sometimes...doesn't mean you will do it doesn't make you a bad means that you screwed up or were running away from something....maybe it would have been best to deal with said situation the proper way but everyone has to learn a lesson sometimes. life is about learning lessons, right? you fuck up and learn from your mistakes. if you don't you are doomed to live in a repeat cycle of fuck ups and discord. when i was a kid i stuck my finger on a burner...realized how much it hurt and i've never done it again....of course the hurt in the case of adultery may not be your own follow me.
i just learned to not judge people based on an isolated incident because you never know when your life will take a detour through fuckedupville and you'll need people to not be judgemental of you.
repeat offenders on the other hand....mayhap the problem lies with some kind of bizarre insecurity...the need to feel acceptance and 'love' from a variety of people...either way, i pity them.

I agree. It is based on circumstance. You cannot generalize because I feel the possibility for reoffending has to do with the reason one offended the first time. Like Tonks said...everyone make mistakes. Now, if a person just can't keep their pants and and runs around whenever they feel like a lay...that is another story.