Step on toes, will ya...

Leslie said:
i interpret that as you become democrats and capitalists and do what we say or we bomb your ass.

Fuckin' A back to the thread
Just curious, did anyone watch O'Neil collapse when Ms Couric interviewed him? It was hilarious...
"There ought to be limits to freedom."
-- George W. Bush, complaining about a website ( critical of him, at an Austin Press Conference, May 21, 1999, quoted from and the Democratic Alliance, "Yes, They Really Said It!"

This, from the same source that has this

Dubya won the election, fair & square, get over it. He had a larger percentage than Clinton ever got. He'll win by landslide in Nov.

chcr, that quote has no context & therefore can't be counted. Sorry.
chcr, that quote has no context & therefore can't be counted. Sorry.

context: the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs

Clearly my confusion stems from a somewhat limited grasp of vocabulary.

Dubya won the election, fair & square, get over it. He had a larger percentage than Clinton ever got. He'll win by landslide in Nov.

Unrelated to the quote or the context of same. He won the election, yes. It's the fair and square part that I can't accept. And he probably will win by a landslide in November. Sad to see what cattle we have become.
Cheese said:
Regarding the sign saying "Don't blame me, I voted with the majority",
it's actually a very legitament reason.

Sorry, cheese, nobody voted with the majority. There wasn't one.
Cheese said:
Regarding the sign saying "Don't blame me, I voted with the majority",
it's actually a very legitament reason.

oh, and Dubya also won Florida on every re-count
i think ALL voting should cease this time around and we appoint ME as the new KING of the US and then next year the world. :)

then nobody should have reason to complain anymore. (bccause it wont be tolerated, because as in the days of old, they should be beheaded.)
samcurry said:
i think ALL voting should cease this time around and we appoint ME as the new KING of the US and then next year the world. :)

then nobody should have reason to complain anymore. (bccause it wont be tolerated, because as in the days of old, they should be beheaded.)

You got my non-vote. :D
Gonz said:
oh, and Dubya also won Florida on every re-count
None of which recounts counted all the votes, just the ones that were judged "acceptable." :rolleyes:
w00t cmon guys i got my hat in the ring. Make it happen. gardens for everyone.

chcr is gonna be my appointed ambasador. he will do the biddings of the king. :)
Make sure theres no Bushes in my garden and you'll have my allegience...

Long Live King Sammy! :bgking:
