Step one: Say it outloud


molṑn labé
Staff member
The United States should consider raising taxes to help bring deficits under control and may need to consider a European-style value-added tax, White House adviser Paul Volcker said on Tuesday.

The end is neer

Raising taxes will destroy our economy. Of course, it must be better than lowering spending. Daddy said so.
change you can believe in

It's not "Tax and Spend" anymore...
now it's...

"Spend and Tax"
no steps too take at journeys end

one last thing to get done after this
we know what it is…
once again you've successfully turned a legitimate objection into a puppet show. all hail, indeed.

I ask you?
What possible legitimate objection can anyone have these days?
...and now you're precluding critique with woe-is-us?

what now? what's next?

some people lie periodically, and then some people are liars

say it loud, say it proud
No recanting, no apology, and no excuses...

Obama is a Liar!
everything except the half-truths that he tells to make you believe another lie.

YOU name something, and I'll rebut.
Ninety-five percent of all Americans will get a tax cut.

I will always support Israel.

There's a couple fer ya.