Step one towards the coming fascism

Would a bumper sticker stating "Flush Obama" be a threat to drown him?

"Drop Obama" a threat to drop him from an aircraft without a parachute?

Maybe a better comparison would for "Abort Obama Not the Unborn" would be "Electrocute Bush not inmates" or "Blow up Bush not Iraqis". :shrug:

The there's these guys

Arrested for anti-Bush t-shirts

"He and his wife had the audacity to make and wear anti-Bush t-shirts at a rally in Charleston on July 4, 2004. For this they were arrested for trespassing, albeit that the rally was held at the state capitol. They sued and were awarded $80,000 for their arrest."
Then there's these guys:

Federal Court Rules That D.C. Police Unlawfully Arrested Anti-Bush Protesters On Inauguration Day

Seems a resonable response
While the demonstrators marched peacefully, some individuals in the area did commit crimes, such as spray-painting on buildings, pulling newspaper vending machines into the street, and breaking windows; rocks and bottles were thrown at police cars. But the police were unable to identify the people who committed those crimes. Instead, they arrested everyone in the alley for rioting,
If you can't find a vandal arrest everyone in the area. Totally reasonable. :laugh:

You must love fascism.
Driving while Conservative.......

I am sure the ACLU will be right there to help this guy with the rights violation issues.
I guess no one here, besides myself, remembers the graphic that Craig Kilborne flashed on "The Late Show with Craig Kilborn" August 4, 1999 showing a picture of George Bush with the words "Snipers Wanted".

To see the graphic, CLICK HERE.

The link is dead now but the content is still available. That is why I post whole articles so they will be available when the page archives.

That is inappropriate too, but I suppose it's probably a shock to you that I think that.
That is inappropriate too, but I suppose it's probably a shock to you that I think that.

Not at all. You seem a reasonable person. What I posted was to counter what you stated:

"Still your argument holds no water because no anti Bush sticker even hinted killing him."

Yes, it wasn't exactly a "sticker" but it was a graphic transmitted into millions of American homes -- far more than would see this guy's hand-written sign.

I totally agree with your statement:

"It is illegal to threaten the president, no matter who he or she is. It's not something to even joke about, PERIOD!"
Jeeze... thought this thread was going to be about the government taking personal property from citizens. (Eminent Domain out of control!)

Now I find out it's about some stupid bumper sticker. I don't put bumper stickers on my car... ever... for any reason.
Jeeze... thought this thread was going to be about the government taking personal property from citizens. (Eminent Domain out of control!)

Now I find out it's about some stupid bumper sticker. I don't put bumper stickers on my car... ever... for any reason.

Don't ever park your car in Boulder, CO with Nebraska license plates unless you hire a security guard to watch it.

I hate football rivalries.

I hate football.

But I hate football rivalries more.
anybody from nebraska deserves what theys gets. only assholes live in nebraska. my uncle lives in nebraska. he's an asshole.