Still incomplete


Southern Discomfort
2008 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees

NEW YORK - Madonna, pop music's quick-change artist, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on Monday and paid tribute to people who encouraged her and even critics who panned her for helping drive her career.

Heartland hitmaker John Mellencamp, with his son Speck playing guitar and his parents watching from a balcony above the Waldorf Astoria Hotel ballroom, joined the rock-kicking with a rumbling version of "Authority Song."

"I wrote this song, and I still feel the same way today as I did when I wrote it 25 years ago," Mellencamp said.

Philly soul producers Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff, literate songwriter Leonard Cohen, British rockers the Dave Clark Five, and surf instrumentalists the Ventures were among the other inductees.

Madonna. Madonna! Ma-friggin-DONna!!

I sincerely hope that when these out of touch retired hippies that run this farce of a Hall finally have to induct KISS, the band refuses to attend. Ain't nobody gonna convince me that Leonard Cohen is more deserving than KISS.
Very well. One man's poison and all that. I think we'd both agree that you'd hardly be overwhelmed with others who can say the same though. I've been a rock fan for 34 years, and I've never heard his name mentioned in such discussions. Personally, I have less problem with Bill Monroe being inducted than I do with Cohen, but that's just me.
Putting Elvis Costello in before Ted Nugent is enough for me. The RnR Hall of Sham.
To be bluntly honest, I never heard of the guy until this happened. What did he sing/play/whatever?

According to the story, he is a literate songwriter.

As opposed to all them illiterate songwriters I guess...

Da Stones said:
I know it's only rock and roll but I like it

Leonard Cohen is rock and roll about like chcr's a minister. :)
Madonna and Leonard Cohen aren't rock and roll.

I agree with Madonna at least - I too don't know Leonard Cohen. There should be a Pop hall of fame. Although then, no one would care who was inducted.

And sorry to disagree but I think KISS is highly overrated. I can't stand them.
That's fine. But their contribution to rock history, especially the live performance/stage element, is undeniable.

I don't have to like an artist to appreciate their contributions. I ain't never been called a Neil Young fan, but he deserves to be there.