Stingray stung me


New Member
Got stung by a stingray last week at the beach. Hurt so bad I thought my toe might have been torn off by something. To help me out life guards had me stick my foot in scalding hot water....apparently so the rest of your foot is in such horrible pain the pain from the venom isn't as big a contrast.

Didn't get a photo of the damn thing but here's about what I stepped on.

paul_valaru said:

better than jellyfish though (I think)

the jellyfish I've experienced, at least, seem to be more itching and stinging than hurting like crazy
Altron said:
the jellyfish I've experienced, at least, seem to be more itching and stinging than hurting like crazy

I rushed way out into the Chesapeake Bay once swimming when I was about 12. Suddenly saw that I was surrounded by jellyfish (didn't even know what they where then) and I got hit by at least 10 of them before I could get back to shore.

They stung a bit and I got some itchy rashes, nothing remotely close to the pain this stingray caused. I really wasn't sure if I still had a big toe on that foot until I got it up out of the water.
So basically, what you're saying is that you've a habit of rushing into things without paying attention to the danger around you. I never would have guessed.
I was grazed by a man-o-war when I was 14. I've been stung by jellyfish a dozen times and I can say that a man-o-war hurt 5 times worse than all of that combined. It left a scar across my belly and back that took about 8 years to fade away.
Too bad the Republican plan to kill off all the marine life didn't work. Then it would be safe to go back in the water. Until then, pay attention & watch your step.
Professur said:
So basically, what you're saying is that you've a habit of rushing into things without paying attention to the danger around you. I never would have guessed.

Next he'll be wading into a ocean full of sharks ,eh. *oh wait,that was another thread.
spike said:
Got stung by a stingray last week at the beach. Hurt so bad I thought my toe might have been torn off by something. To help me out life guards had me stick my foot in scalding hot water....apparently so the rest of your foot is in such horrible pain the pain from the venom isn't as big a contrast.

So? :shrug: Watch where you're going, and you won't get stung.

Stingrays are everywhere off the SC coast...
I don't typically look down and watch where I put every step I take - accidents happen.

So, Spike, how did it sting you? DId you have to get any medical attention??
Professur said:
So basically, what you're saying is that you've a habit of rushing into things without paying attention to the danger around you. I never would have guessed.

Why try to make an insult from this? When I was 12 I was excited to swim in the ocean for the first time.

With the stingray I didn't rush out at all. I went out pretty slowly and was body boarding waiting for another wave. "Paying attention" would not help as the water wasn't clear enough to see the bottom where they typically are.

I have since read that there's something called the "stingray shuffle" where youdrag your feet as you move along. Apparently a sting is unlikely if you just bump one along. It's when there stepped on from above that you have the trouble.
unclehobart said:
I was grazed by a man-o-war when I was 14. I've been stung by jellyfish a dozen times and I can say that a man-o-war hurt 5 times worse than all of that combined. It left a scar across my belly and back that took about 8 years to fade away.

Man-o-war's have some sort of reddish streak right? I heard their quite a bit more nasty than other jellyfish but I'm not sure why.
spike said:
Man-o-war's have some sort of reddish streak right? I heard their quite a bit more nasty than other jellyfish but I'm not sure why.
They can be clear to bluish to outright purple in appearance with tentacles that can range up to 100' away from the mother pod in mature specimens. The mark left on me was rather purple for about a year and then subsided to white. They hurt more because their toxin is designed to outright kill prey instead of just warning it off like a jellyfish.
100 feet? Holy crap!

I imagine the larger it is the punch it packs. Did you get a look at how big yours was? Did it cause any sickness being hit in the torso like that?
went fishing in the south carolina intercostals a month or two boyfriend caught a sting ray....ugly little suckers, and they can hurt you pretty badly, you're lucky it wasn't worse spike....i'm glad you're ok!!!