Stir Stix


Kissy Goddess
I rebel against those things! How the hell are you supposed to stir your coffee with a teeny tiny little stick?? It flops around and doesn't help mix up the sugar! :mad:

So I use about 4 - 5 of 'em at once :D

What annoys you? (Other than useless threads, I know I know)
Plastic forks that break if you try to stab so much as a boiled potato...or melt at lukewarm temperatures... :mad:
small children who lie in their cribs for two hours fussing instead of napping. :grumpy:

Also small children who get extremely grumpy around 6pm because they lay in their cribs for two hours fussing instead of napping. :grumpy:
Lets see, what annoys me? Nothing, after I've had my Paxil and my Lithium, of course. Now before, the what doesn't annoy me list would be much easier to complete.
clocks. a current annoyance, because i can hear some now, and they're just like, "tick... tick... tick... tick..." and i'm like, thinking in time with the clock, and focusing on it and stuff, and being reminded that life is passing. lol.
god, i hate clocks.
part of why i love digital timepieces so much, is that they dont tick!
What annoys me? Squiggys boys. I would seriously love to come down there and just whip their asses someday, just for fun.
If they ever make it famous I will be the first one going to MuchMusic or MTV and relaying the evil things I have heard about them :evilgrin:
OOOOhHHH Yeahhh. That will piss me right the fuck off. I usually start throwing shit when that happens.
going around the house and finding EMPTY : paper towel rolls, toilot paper rolls, suger bowls, butter dish, and milk cartons.......
and finding FILLED: garbage cans, dish washer, sink, vucume cleaner bag.....:grumpy: :mad:

I tell my son (for his chores):
1: if its empty-fill it!
2: if its full-empty it!:D