Stir Stix

Getting to the bathroom after my boyfriend has used it and finding toothpaste spots on the mirror and a lake of water on the countertop and splashed onto the toilet seat. (and not realizing the toilet seat is wet till after I sit down)

Lazy coworkers who aren't judged by how much work they accomplish but instead on how loud they bitch when someone tries to get them to work.

Being interrupted while talking. Especially when I'm on the phone and someone's standing next to me trying to talk to me.

Going food shopping and, after getting home, putting all the stuff away, and sitting down, remembering that one thing that I absolutely had to buy but didn't.

(new from this morning) Getting up early to go to the bank to deposit a very large check that's needed to pay for a credit card purchase only to find no deposit envelopes.

Finding out the milk is bad only after preparing your cup of coffee.

Preparing a cup of coffee *just* right and then having your waiter/waitress top it off when you're not looking, ruining it.
greenfreak said:
Finding out the milk is bad only after preparing your cup of coffee.

This is why you should always drink your coffee black.... :coffee:

greenfreak said:
Preparing a cup of coffee *just* right and then having your waiter/waitress top it off when you're not looking, ruining it.

This is the other reason... :)
Spirit said:
I rebel against those things! How the hell are you supposed to stir your coffee with a teeny tiny little stick?? It flops around and doesn't help mix up the sugar!

Oh, yeah.... and this is the other other reason... :p ;)

*hates when it flops around and won't stir properly.
When my brother pees in the morning, doesn't flush, and I come home after school and go to bathroom it smells terrible