Stoopid POS' shoulda been replaced a long time ago...


New Member
So I've never gotten around to replacing my POS speakers for my puter. Now one goes and dies this morning. I know that there have been many a thread about it but I want to do this via ebay and cheaply (D'uh) so I would like you opinion on these!
I've got the Altec Lansing Series 100 speakers with a sub connected directly, they've got a headphone jack for private listening, and I can use the headphone jack to connect in to the auxiliary for my surround system. The speakers were only about 30 I think, they've got pretty good sound, but the main thing was no hiss for the headphones, I found that to be a real problem with some of the cheaper ones.
I have Altec Lansing too but I have no idea how much they cost, I've had them for a while. I also have the subwoofer and the headphone jack, and the sound is great. If you can get from NewEgg too, I'm a big fan of theirs. Do they have free shipping dealie for anything? Sometimes they do that. Or what about Amazon? I believe if it's over $25.00 it might qualify.
Scott. She doesn't want a tinkertoy 2 bookshelf speaker system. She is more in the market for a 2 high quality bookshelf speaker system with a subwoofer for a real home stereo impact level. My first thought was Bose, Boston Acoutsic, Cambridge Soundworks... but those can be pricey and tend to be 5 point surrond speakers. We want a quality, powerful/rich, 3 speaker setup.
I'd like to suggest a quality bookshelf stereo with line-in as opposed to computer speakers. If your main focus is music I think you'll be happier in the long run. Just an opinion.
unclehobart said:
Scott. She doesn't want a tinkertoy 2 bookshelf speaker system. She is more in the market for a 2 high quality bookshelf speaker system with a subwoofer for a real home stereo impact level. My first thought was Bose, Boston Acoutsic, Cambridge Soundworks... but those can be pricey and tend to be 5 point surrond speakers. We want a quality, powerful/rich, 3 speaker setup.
ah, see the ebay thing threw me. :)

if you don't mind logitec...

These have a good rating...

but these have a good rating, and the price is pretty good....