Stop fu**ing


molṑn labé
Staff member
NYC Health Officials Find New, Virulent HIV Strain (Update2)
Feb. 11 (Bloomberg) -- New York City doctors have discovered a previously unseen strain of HIV, which appears to be resistant to three of the four types of anti-viral drugs that combat the disease, and progresses from infection to full-blown AIDS in two or three months, the health department said.

``We've identified this strain of HIV that is difficult or impossible to treat and which appears to progress rapidly to AIDS,'' said New York City Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden.

Frieden said the case, diagnosed in a man in his mid-40s who reported multiple male sex partners and unprotected anal sex -- often while using the drug crystal methamphetamine -- was ``extremely concerning and a wake-up call.''

Antonio Urbina, medical director of HIV education and training at St. Vincent's Catholic Medical Center, site one of Manhattan's largest AIDS clinics, said at a news conference that the patient's use of crystal methamphetamine shows that the drug ``continues to play a significant role in facilitating the transmission of HIV.''

The drug reduces peoples' inhibitions and their likelihood of using condoms or other forms of safe sex, he said.


Wanna stop this crap? Find one, clean, partner (or go without). Why is that so goddamned hard to understand?

Gonz said:
Wanna stop this crap? Find one, clean, partner (or go without). Why is that so goddamned hard to understand?

It's not hard to understand. It's just not what they want to do. And you know how important want is, doncha?
Professur said:
It's not hard to understand. It's just not what they want to do. And you know how important want is, doncha?

Strangely, yea. Right up until I read about AIDS back in the 80's. I went from tramp to celibate, instantly. The day that unaccountable sex became deadly was the blackest day of my life. Gratuitous sex was great. Life is better.
Gonz said:
Wanna stop this crap? Find one, clean, partner (or go without). Why is that so goddamned hard to understand?
Know what? It ain't even that hard. Wrap your willie. You can fuck all you want.
That might help. They aren't 100% effective. Monogamy/celibacy will work.
I wholeheartedly agree. Until this problem is stopped, those without options may be SOL.
unclehobart said:
Regardless of resistant strains and whatnot, all AIDS forms are still fatal. No cure is no cure.

Actually...AIDS itself is not fatal...ARC (AIDS Related Complex), which can be a myriad of other diseases from the common cold to any STD, is what kills ya'.

Happily monogamous since 1997.
This is just another reason that I am so glad to be out of the dating pool. I've always been good about being tested and being safe, but you just never know. Even with condoms, there is still that chance to get something.
If people could just be responsible and restrain themsevles AIDS could be beaten without trying to develope a vaccine---the disease propagates only because people allow it to.

Granted, anyone can get it, but there a specific lifestyle that is spreading it to through irresponsible behavior....

...The case was diagnosed in a New Yorker in his mid-40s who reported multiple male sex partners and unprotected anal sex -- often while using the drug crystal methamphetamine.

Crystal Meth Multiple Male Sex Partners Unprotected Anal Sex and should I throw in "The Left" for good measure?

I suppose the best thing about this new strain of HIV is that you get full-blown AIDS in 3 months and die soon after. At least they won't be spreading HIV over a 9 year period.

Isn't this a good reason to quarantine those infected? Do we have the right? Do we have the nerve?
Gonz said:
Wanna stop this crap? Find one, clean, partner (or go without). Why is that so goddamned hard to understand?


Aids is also spread via sharing contaminated needles. More education about safe sex; intensive AIDS campaigns in the media and in schools - and more energy put towards getting drug education and rehabilitation is the key.

It might be very easy from you stand to judge from your moral high ground, but just because you believe one way is the only right way - it isn't neccesarily going to be the right way or the only way to change the rest of the world.

Celibacy and/or monogamy might be the ideal option but it isn't exactly a realistic one, now is it? especially when it is so unnatural. :shrug:

We don't live in a perfect world so there is no point in trying to campaign that everybody should be. Even now it might be too late because these measures aren't neccesarily very effective anyway- but prevention is better than cure.

Its so goddamn hard to understand - in my eyes celebacy is more of a sexual perversion than Homosexuality is.
tank girl said:
Its so goddamn hard to understand - in my eyes celebacy is more of a sexual perversion than Homosexuality is.

And yet, you wonder why noone here likes you?

But, I digress. Please, explain how a refusal to indulge in animal desires is a sexual perversion. I can't wait to hear this one.
tank girl said:
Aids is also spread via sharing contaminated needles.
Another outstanding exercise in self-control.

TG said:
More education about safe sex; intensive AIDS campaigns in the media and in schools - and more energy put towards getting drug education and rehabilitation is the key.
Yep, then they'll know what's killing them.

There is sufficient education. We're just failing to allow Darwins theory to work.

TG said:
It might be very easy from you stand to judge from your moral high ground, but just because you believe one way is the only right way - it isn't neccesarily going to be the right way or the only way to change the rest of the world.

Its so goddamn hard to understand - in my eyes celebacy is more of a sexual perversion than Homosexuality is.

Nobody gets HIV/AIDS from monogamy. The blood supplies are examined & drug addicts are a weak link. You assume things about me & my life that are way off the mark. I use my powers of observation along with my keem intellect to make clear & concise decisions. YOu may not like what I say but my opinions will not cause harm to those not in need of harm.

TG said:
We don't live in a perfect world so there is no point in trying to campaign that everybody should be.

We may not but I cetainly try to make mine perfect.
"Originally Posted by TG
It might be very easy from you stand to judge from your moral high ground"

Well yes indeed it is... morals funny things they are.

yup in the 80's when AIDS was imported here from Africa
I quickly realized, I'm in a long term (apparently lifetime) monogamous relationship I don't fire up drugs. Gee It don't matter to me at all. And that's why in the ensuing years folks simply began to not give a hoot about it. It's not an issue except to a tiny portion of the population.

I’m waiting to see if she will take Prof’s challenge, this should be great!

Your not thinking of turning into a carpet muncher, are you?
a man in his mid-40s who reported multiple male sex partners and unprotected anal sex -- often while using the drug crystal methamphetamine -- was ``extremely concerning and a wake-up call.'' opinion.....He deserved it! The nerve knowing and still having sex and using. WTF..... :cuss: :bitchslap
As long as people are still having premartial sex with many anonymous partners while at the same time experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence-free environment,
I'll be sound as a pound!
Winky said:
As long as people are still having premartial sex with many anonymous partners while at the same time experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence-free environment,
I'll be sound as a pound!

or any combination of thereof
I think that personal and social morals, or lack there of, only plays a small part in this. Self control may be a moral, but it is also common sense. There is a deadly disease going around and people are saying "It's okay. It won't happen to me" Plain stupidity.

How many vicitms of aids can one school child listen to? How many times can we teach all the bad things about sex ed? If they are not listening now, they are not going to. More education is not going to drum into their heads any harder. In fact, they will tune it out much eaiser.

If people would simply give a shite about their life and the others they choose to have in it, AIDS would diminish so much. It's not that hard to go get tested. It doesn't cost much to get tested. A box of condoms is not all that expensive when you compare it to the amount of medicines you will need to buy in your short life time if you contract this disease.

Monogamy may be unnatural for some people, but at least a RESPONSIBLE person who is poly still is tested and all of his or her partners are tested as well. If a person so chooses to give themselves to every Tom, Dick or Mary, they should at least not be stupid enough to have unsafe sex.

But how do you teach someone to care? You can't. Some people are just worthless piles of shit and responsible people just have to "perfect" their world to not allow this kind of rubbish in.