STOP Gonz...


Well-Known Member
It's not available here either. :( Not only that, I'm in AT&T country and U-verse isn't available here either.
There is no stopping Gonz...!

RM yer on a crappy internet connection
ya don't know what yer missin'
Verizon isn't going to bring fiber out to our place. We're rural and Verizon has a history of shitting on rural folks by not fixing or upgrading their equipment. This is especially true for the telecommunications equipment. The equipment in our area is so outdated that Call Waiting Caller ID is not available to us.
Re: There is no stopping Gonz...!

RM yer on a crappy internet connection
ya don't know what yer missin'
I get good access at the Uni. In the office its fast, in the media/data-center its unbelievable. I haven't ever speed-tested it, but its pipe is quite large.
Well, if you'd stop using party lines like the rest of us....

*ducks* :D
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