Story behind the story


molṑn labé
Staff member
If only we could verify this. It sounds like fun though.

Why hasn't Osama bin Laden's terror network executed an attack on U.S. soil since 9-11?

The U.S. has threatened to nuke the Muslim holy city of Mecca should the terror leader strike America again.

"Israel … recognizes that the Aswan Dam is Egypt's Damoclean Sword," writes Wheeler. "There is no possibility whatever of Egypt's winning a war with Israel, for if Aswan is blown, all of inhabited Egypt is under 20 feet of water. Once the Israelis made this clear to the Egyptians, the possibility of any future Egyptian attack on Israel like that of 1948, 1967, and 1972 is gone."

"The whispers and hints and ellipses are getting louder now because the rumor explains the inexplicable: Why hasn't there been a repeat of 9-11? How can it be that after this unimaginable tragedy and Osama's constant threats of another, we have gone over three years without a single terrorist attack on American soil?"

Available only to subscribers of To the Point, Wheeler ends his column by explaining the effectiveness of the Mecca threat.

"Completely obliterating the terrorists' holiest of holies, rendering what is for them the world's most sacred spot a radioactive hole in the ground is retribution of biblical proportions – and those are the only proportions that will do the job.

"Osama would have laughed off such a threat, given his view that Americans are wussies who cut and run after a few losses, such as Lebanon in 1983 and Somalia in 1993. Part of Bush's rationale for invading Afghanistan and Iraq – obviously never expressed publicly – was to convince Osama that his threat to nuke Mecca was real. Osama hates America just as much as ever, but he is laughing no more."

Wheeler says bin Laden is "playing poker with a Texas cowboy holding the nuclear aces," so there's nothing al-Qaida could do that could come remotely close to risking obliterating Mecca.

Yeah right talk about an empty bluff. Not to mention it would mean that Bush is in direct contact with Ban Laden. Why not just kill him? And Bin Laden doesnt control every terrorist on earth. Nor even every Islamic Terrorist even. This is a joke at best.
It wouldn't work anyway. Bin Laden uses islam for his own desire. He doesn't give a shite about Mecca. He may think he does, he may even grieve for it.
Even so, such a threat even in reality, would not cause him to deviate from his own will.
I think they lifted the story from the Weekly World News. It was the article right under the perennial 'Bat Boy' story.
If you hit it on the right day... as they were swirling like toilet....


*wipes tear from eye*
Winky said:
So why then hasn't there been a 9-11 part deux?
1. We're less indifferent about security now.
2. Our presence in Iraq gives them a target closer to home.
3. They think they're winning the world opinion contest. I think they're sadly mistaken, but I could be wrong. They're insane, not stupid. They realize a large scale attack hurts them in the PR campaign.
Hard to do? Hell TD, they hit us twice a year or more for over 10 years. A few were outstanding hits (USS Cole, Khobar) & many were mere annoyances.

Spain was warned to not give in to terrorist demands.